ക്യൂബന് വിപ്ലവ നായകന്
ഫിദല് കാസ്ട്രോ അന്തരിച്ചു
Fidel Castro, the
Cuban dictator who helped bring the world to the brink of nuclear war,
tormented 11 American presidents and exerted almost total control over the last
remaining communist government in the Western Hemisphere, has died. He was 90.President
Raúl Castro delivered a statement on Cuban television to confirm his brother's
death:“With profound pain I appear to inform our people and the friends of the
Americas and of the world, that today, November 25, at 10:29 pm, the Commander
in Chief of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro Ruz died. In compliance with the
expressed will of the Companion Fidel, his remains will be cremated. In the
early hours of Saturday the 26th, the funeral organizing committee will provide
our people with detailed information on the organization of the posthumous
tribute that will be done for the founder of the Cuban Revolution. Ever onward
to victory!”
The Cuban government
will observe nine days of mourning for Fidel Castro. After two days of
observances in Revolution Plaza in Havana, Castro’s ashes will be transported
across the country to the eastern city of Santiago. The final mass and ceremony
will take place on Dec. 4, and his ashes will be interred in the cemetery of
Santa Ifigenia.For 47 years, Castro maintained his grip over the island nation
by forging close bonds with the Soviet Union, Venezuela and China, inspiring a
wave of anti-American leaders throughout Latin America along the way.His
undoing began with surgery in 2006 that forced him to cede power to his
brother, Raúl Castro, and forever changed the image of the man. Gone was the
romantic vision of the bearded, cigar-smoking guerrilla leading his group of
rebels through the mountains of Cuba, replaced by occasional pictures and
videos of a frail, old man recovering in bath robes and track suits.
The prolonged
physical collapse gave hope to Washington and to more than a million
Cuban-Americans who have fled his regime over the decades that a political
change would soon follow. But his illness proved to be a blessing to those
closest to him, easing the transition to a new leader and ensuring that they remained
in power.And true to his character, it did little to change his view of his own
place in history.“His personality was such that he always saw himself as the
man on the horse, the only guy who could possibly do what he has done,” said
Dennis Hays, a former chief Cuba analyst at the State Department. “In his mind,
he was the only one who could hold back the tides of time and human nature as
he has.”Castro’s ascent to international prominence was a meteoric one. In the span
of seven years, he went from solitary confinement in a Cuban prison to dictator
of a country that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.
, Cuba’s status as a
security threat to the United States diminished greatly and Castro was left to
hold together a system no longer benefiting from Soviet aid.

While many U.S.
officials dismissed the changes as cosmetic, Phil Peters of the Lexington
Institute said Raúl Castro’s rush to implement them speaks volumes about the
Cuba that Fidel Castro left behind.“It shows that when he left office, the
socialist system was on an unsustainable course,” Peters said. “And it shows
that politics and ideological purity always came first for Fidel, even at the
expense of an economy that could function and provide for people’s basic
needs.”Then, on Dec. 17, 2014, Raúl Castro forged a historic deal with
President Obama to end more than five decades of isolation and begin the long
process of normalizing relations.The Cold War foes have since reestablished
diplomatic ties, reopened embassies in Washington and Havana and resumed
regularly-scheduled commercial flights. U.S businesses, from airlines to cell
phone carriers to Internet providers, have struck deals with Cuba and more
people have traveled between the two countries.
President Obama even
visited the island nation in March, sitting side by side with Raúl Castro at a
baseball game, delivering a joint press conference and providing a clear sign
that the times of Fidel Castro's rule were over. And even though Fidel Castro
was nowhere to be seen during Obama's trip, the elder Castro made it clear in a
newspaper column that completely normalized relations were still far off."We
don't need the empire to give us anything," Castro wrote in Cuba's
state-run newspaper, Granma.
Fidel Castro Ruz was
born into a moderately affluent family, owners of a sugar-cane plantation in
Cuba’s eastern Oriente province. His father, Angel Castro, was a self-made
immigrant from Spain and his mother, Lina Ruz, had been the family cook.Castro,
one of eight children, went to Catholic elementary school and graduated from
Belen, a prep school in Havana run by Jesuit priests.He excelled in both
academics and sports and was voted Belen’s best athlete in 1944. His preferred
sport: the thoroughly American game of baseball. He’s said to have dreamed once
of becoming a major league player in the USA.
Castro would later
seize all the church-run schools in Cuba and be excommunicated by the Roman
Catholic Church.Castro studied at the University of Havana and earned a law
degree. He also acquired a taste for politics as a student activist.“I was
acquiring a socialist consciousness I had initiatives, I was active and I
struggled,” he recalled in a 1982 interview with Colombian journalist Arturo
Alape. “But let’s say that I was an independent struggling person at that
time.”In 1952, Fulgencio Batista staged a military coup that established a
military dictatorship and propelled Castro into the role of revolutionary.On
July 26, 1953, Castro, Raúl and 150 followers attacked the Moncada Barracks in
Santiago de Cuba. The assault failed and many of Castro’s men were killed or
captured. Castro was tried and sentenced to 15 years in prison.On trial, Castro
delivered a speech that became known by its final line.“I know that
imprisonment will be harder for me than it has ever been for anyone, filled
with cowardly threats and hideous cruelty,” Castro told the court. “But I do
not fear prison, as I do not fear the fury of the miserable tyrant who took the
lives of 70 of my comrades.“Condemn me. It does not matter. History will
absolve me.”
Castro, freed in a
1955 amnesty, went into exile in Mexico where he recruited and trained
guerrilla fighters. That’s where he met Ernesto “Che” Guevara, an Argentine
Marxist who would become synonymous with Castro’s revolution.
The next year, Castro
and more than 80 followers boarded a boat named Granma and landed in eastern
Cuba, setting up camp in the Sierra Maestra mountains near his boyhood home.
Dubbed the 26th of July Movement, the rebels seized weapons in attacks against Batista’s
military and received food and shelter from sympathetic Cubans.Castro then
began a slow march west, gaining in popularity as Batista was facing trouble
all around. Even the U.S. government had lost faith in Batista, stopping arms
shipments to him in 1958. On Jan. 1, 1959, Batista and his family fled Cuba.That
cleared the way for Castro, who rolled into Havana amidst throngs of
supporters. He pledged to end corruption. He promised to improve living
conditions. He had widespread support on and off the island, even as his true
vision for Cuba remained a mystery.So unclear was Castro’s plan that he was
treated to a hero’s welcome during a much-publicized tour of the U.S., where he
rounded up support from liberals and curious fascination from many others.“It
was a triumphal procession,” said Mark Falcoff, a former staff member of the
Senate foreign relations committee and author of Cuba the Morning After:
Confronting Castro’s Legacy. “He was the most popular figure in the U.S.”It
wasn’t long before the new regime began Cuba’s transformation to communism,
aligning itself with the Soviet Union.
The new government
nationalized businesses and banks, confiscating more than $1 billion in
American-owned property. Thousands of so-called “enemies of the revolution”
were executed or imprisoned, and school curriculum was reshaped by Communist
doctrine. Free speech was not an option, and the Cuban press was an extension
of the government. That prompted many wealthy Cubans to leave the country — the
first of several waves of Cubans to flee Castro’s Cuba.U.S. breaks diplomatic
ties with Cuba
Many in Miami viewed
the humiliating event as a betrayal by President John Kennedy, who failed to
send additional forces the Cuban exiles had expected. Ill will toward Kennedy,
a Democrat, turned many Cuban-Americans against the political party. To this day,
they remain among the most loyal Republican voters.Andy Gomez, a senior fellow
at the University of Miami’s Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies,
said the failed invasion gave Castro the ability to claim that he was being
targeted.In fact, U.S. intelligence acknowledged eight failed attempts by the
CIA to assassinate Castro between 1960 and 1965. But Gomez said Castro
continued using the constant threat of a U.S. invasion as a way to control the
Cuban population.“He continues to talk about ‘There will be an American
invasion of Cuba,’” Gomez said. “”That’s very unlikely now.”
The United States and
the Soviet Union almost went to war over Cuba in 1962, after a U.S. U-2 spy
plane photographed the construction of Soviet missile sites in what became
known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of Cuba to
force Moscow to remove the missiles. Khrushchev agreed, in return for a U.S.
promise not to invade Cuba and to remove U.S. missiles from Turkey.In later
years, U.S. efforts to dislodge Castro centered on economic and diplomatic
measures. Tightened trade and travel restrictions replaced blockades.Tensions
continued as Cuban exiles flooded South Florida at various times over the
decades. More than 125,000 refugees flooded the United States in 1980 during
the Mariel boatlift. In 1996, two planes flown by Brothers to the Rescue — a
group that patrolled the Florida Straits for endangered rafters — were shot
down by Cuban fighter jets. Castro claimed the planes violated Cuban air space.
The Elian Gonzalez
saga took the political stand-off to an international stage. Eleven Cuban
refugees headed for Florida died on Thanksgiving Day, 1999, including Elian’s mother.
The 5-year-old survived.Elian’s relatives in Miami fought to keep him in the
U.S., while his father in Cuba, with Castro’s fierce support, demanded his
return. After a lengthy legal battle and a middle-of-the-night raid on Elian’s
relatives’ house in Miami, the boy was sent home in June, 2000.While the United
States has seen wave after wave of immigrants seeking a better life, the
occasional bursts of immigrants from Cuba was unique.In the early 1960s, more
than 14,000 children were sent by their Cuban parents to host families in the
United States. In 1980, Castro allowed people to leave the island in the Mariel
Boatlift, resulting in more than 100,000 Cubans leaving the island.
The most stunning
exodus occurred in the early 1990s, when tens of thousands of Cubans took to
the high seas to avoid the economic conditions that followed the fall of the
Soviet Union. Cubans who learned to get by with little during the hardest
economic times used their ingenuity to fashion rafts and boats out to make the
dangerous trek across the Florida Straits.Lawn mower engines were refashioned
into boat engines. Individuals hopped on inner tubes to paddle more than 100
miles of open ocean. In 2010, a Cuban made the journey on a 7-foot boat made almost
entirely out of styrofoam.Cuba observers said one of the consistent themes
behind each wave was the repressive nature of Cuba’s regime.Carlos Mesa-Lago, a
Cuban-born economics professor at the University of Pittsburgh, sums up Cuba’s
economy under Castro simply: “He is an excellent politician, but he’s a
terrible economist.”Like most other aspects of Castro’s revolution, the economy
was a centralized, state-run endeavor where few jobs were ever in the private
sector. From factories to hotels to barbershops, the state operated nearly
every enterprise and employed nearly every Cuban worker.
While that led to
impressive employment numbers that hovered near 100% many years, Mesa-Lago said
those figures meant little since most jobs were unnecessary and wages have
historically remained low. Businesses that required 100 workers were assigned
200 workers, Mesa-Lago said, in order to give the appearance of a functioning
economy.“The saying was, ‘I pretend that I am working, and you pretend that you
are paying me,’” Mesa-Lago said.In the early years, Cuba’s vast sugar
plantations sustained the economy. Cuba was the world’s largest sugar exporter
for decades and the economy was further bolstered by the extraction of
minerals, the tourism industry and the sale of the Cuban cigars and rum.The
Soviets also played a central figure, providing subsidies to the island though
the height of the Cold War. According to the Institute for Cuba and
Cuban-American Studies, Cuba was $20 billion in debt to the Soviet Union when
it fell apart.
Cuba’s economic flaws
were exposed following that collapse in 1991. What followed was an era dubbed
the “Special Period” by the Cuban government, when the economy plummeted, food
was scarce and even the state’s prized health and education sectors saw major
cutbacks.Mesa-Lago said Castro reluctantly instituted a series of reforms to
fend off a collapse similar to that of the Soviet Union. The government allowed
some people to open private businesses, farmers were able to sell some products
on the open market, rules barring foreign investment were loosened and Cubans
were allowed to use the U.S. dollar to purchase items.“The reason that Fidel
went along with this package of reforms was because he probably worried that
the regime might be threatened,” Mesa-Lago said.Once the economic situation
stabilized, Castro pulled back many of those reforms. In later years, he formed
a close bond with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who saw Castro as the elder
statesmen of Latin America. Cuba would send tens of thousands of doctors and
teachers to Venezuela in exchange for as many as 90,000 barrels of oil per day
in 2008.
In his later years,
Castro sat on the sidelines as he watched his brother institute a similar round
of reforms. Fallow farmland was opened up for farmers to cultivate, more
private business licenses were granted, the country opened up to more foreign
investment and in late 2010, Raúl Castro’s government announced that up to 1
million Cubans — or about 20% of the work force — would be removed from the
state payroll and allowed to further expand the private business sector.One of
Castro’s first pronouncements upon taking control of Cuba was that all citizens
would have free access to an education and health care. And even though both
sectors suffered because of the country’s economic troubles, those institutions
endured.Before Castro, access to education and proper health care were focused
in the capital of Havana and other well-to-do areas. Castro made it a priority
to ensure that every Cuban — poor people in cities, farmers in isolated
provinces — had full access to schools and hospitals.By many measures, he
succeeded. Cubans’ life expectancy is over 77 years old, ranking it higher than
more developed Latin American countries like Mexico, Argentina and Chile. And
Cuba has the highest literacy rate in Latin America (99.8%), according to the
CIA World Factbook.“When you go to Cuba, you’re constantly meeting all these
people with professional training, with scientific training,” said Dick
Cluster, a professor at the University of Massachusetts at Boston who lived in
Havana in the early 1990s. “Those successes are real.”As other sectors of the
country suffered, so did health care and education.
Cluster said people
have unfettered access to doctors and hospitals, but a trip to the hospital
usually meant bringing your own linens for the bed, food and clothing. In
Castro’s later years, the government reduced class sizes in junior high schools
and relief more on classes on TV.“They are being held together by rubber band
and tape, but they are being held together,” said Cluster, author of History of
Havana.Given the country’s stagnant economy, there is also little for
successful students to do once they graduate. Many doctors and nurses are sent
abroad to China, Venezuela and other countries to provide care in impoverished
areas. Cubans battle for the few spots available at foreign companies working
in Cuba, and some are allowed to leave the country to work for companies that
do business with Cuba.But that also leaves many college graduates driving
taxis, serving drinks at tourist restaurants and working in other
service-sector fields.“The educational system keeps cranking out really
qualified people, but it also loses them because the economy is not able to
offer positions to make us of their qualities,” Cluster said. “There’s
definitely frustration.”

News of his surgery
prompted mass celebrations in the streets of Miami, as Cuban-Americans believed
his death was near. When he officially stepped down as president of Cuba, the
reaction was more muted, but still excited. A sign outside a Little Havana
store summed up the sentiment: “Don’t retire. Just die already.”
Castro routinely
brushed aside such comments, dubbing the Cuban exile community the “Miami
mafia.” He remained committed to the socialist system that guided his country —
good or bad — until the day he died.“I am a Marxist Leninist and I will be one
until the last day of my life,” Castro said in 1961. He was good to his word.
ക്യൂബന് വിപ്ലവ നായകന്
ഫിദല് കാസ്ട്രോ അന്തരിച്ചു.
90 വയസായിരുന്നു. ക്യൂബന് ടിവിയാണ് വാര്ത്ത പുറത്ത്
വിട്ടത്. കമ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ് വിപ്ലവകാരിയും പതിറ്റാണ്ടുകളോളം ക്യൂബയുടെ ഭരണത്തലവനുമായിരുന്നു. 1959ല് ഫുള്ജെദന്സിുയോ
ബാറ്റിസ്റ്റയുടെ ഏകാധിപത്യ ഭരണത്തെ അട്ടിമറിച്ചു
കൊണ്ട് ഫിദല് അധികാരത്തിലെത്തി. ഏറെ
നാളായി രോഗബാധിതനായിരുന്നു.
ശനിയാഴ്ച തന്നെ അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ
സംസ്കാരം നടന്നേക്കും.
ക്യൂബയില് ഏഴ് ദിവസത്തെ
ദുഖാചരണം പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചു. സഹോദരനും ക്യൂബന് ഭരണാധികാരിയുമായ
റൗള് കാസ്ട്രോയാണ്
മരണവിവരം ലോകത്തെ അറിയിച്ചത്. കാസ്ട്രോയുടെ മരണവിവരം പ്രഖ്യാപിക്കുന്ന
സമയത്ത് ക്യൂബയില് അര്ധകരാത്രി കഴിഞ്ഞിരുന്നു.ഫിദല് അലക്സാണ്ട്രോ
കാസ്ട്രോ റുസ്
എന്ന ഫിദല് കാസ്ട്രോ 1926 ആഗസ്ത് 13നാണ്
ജനിച്ചത്. ക്യൂബയുടെ തലസ്ഥാനമായ ഹവാനയില്
നിന്ന് 800 കി.മി.
അകലെയുള്ള ബിറാനിലെ ഒരു ധനിക
കര്ഷക കുടുംബത്തിലാണ് കാസ്ട്രോ ജനിച്ചത്.
പിതാവ് സ്പെയിന്കാ
രനായ ഏഞ്ചല് കാസ്ട്രോ. മാതാവ് ക്യൂബക്കാരിയായ
ലിനാറുസ് ഗോണ്സാാലസ്.
കാസ്ട്രോയുടെ പ്രാഥമിക
വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം സാന്റിയാഗോ ദെ ക്യൂബയിലെ
കത്തോലിക്കാ സ്കൂളിലായിരുന്നു.
ഹവാനയിലെ ബേലെന് സ്കൂളില്നിസന്നു
ഹൈസ്കൂള് വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം
പൂര്ത്തി യാക്കി. നിയമപഠനത്തിനായി 1945ല്
ഹവാന യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റിയില്
ചേര്ന്നു . 1950ല് നിയമബിരുദം
കരസ്ഥമാക്കിയതിനുശേഷം അഭിഭാഷകവൃത്തിയിലേര്പ്പെനട്ടു. എന്നാല് രാഷ്ട്രീയത്തോടും വിപ്ലവപ്രവര്ത്തലനങ്ങളോടുമായിരുന്നു
കാസ്ട്രോക്ക് ആഭിമുഖ്യം.1959ല് ഫുള്ജെപന്സി്യോ
ബാറ്റിസ്റ്റയുടെ ഏകാധിപത്യ ഭരണത്തെ അട്ടിമറിച്ചു
കൊണ്ട് ഫിദല് ക്യൂബയെ കമ്മ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ്
റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കാക്കി. ലോകത്ത് ഭരണകാലാവധിയില് ഒന്നാംസ്ഥാനം
ഇപ്പോഴും ഫിഡല് കാസ്ട്രോയ്ക്കാണ്.
ആറുവട്ടം ക്യൂബയുടെ പ്രസിഡന്റായി തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കപ്പെട്ടയാളാണ്
ഫിഡല് കാസ്ട്രോ. 1959 ഫിബ്രവരി
16 മുതല് 2008 ഫിബ്രവരി 24 വരെയായി 49 വര്ഷടവും എട്ടുദിവസവുമാണു
കാസ്ട്രോ രാഷ്ട്രത്തലവനായിരുന്നത്.
ക്യൂബയുടെ കണക്കു പ്രകാരം 1958നും
2000 നുമിടയില് 634 വട്ടം അമേരിക്ക ഫിഡല്
കാസ്ട്രോയെ വധിക്കാന്
ശ്രമിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. ക്യൂബന് വിപ്ലവത്തിനുശേഷം 1959ല്
അധികാരത്തിലെത്തിയ ഫിഡല് കാസ്ട്രോ
10 വര്ഷംന മുന്പ്ു അനുജന് റൗള്
കാസ്ട്രോയെ ചുമതലയേല്പ്പി
ച്ചിട്ടാണ് അധികാരമൊഴിഞ്ഞത്. ക്യൂബയെ ഒരു പൂര്ണ്ണട
സോഷ്യലിസ്റ്റ് രാജ്യമാക്കാന് അദ്ദേഹം ശ്രമിച്ചു.
ക്യൂബന് വിപ്ലവത്തിനു ശേഷം
വിവിധ സോഷ്യലിസ്റ്റ് – വിപ്ലവ പ്രസ്ഥാനങ്ങള് ലയിച്ച്
1965ല് ക്യൂബന് കമ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ് പാര്ട്ടി രൂപീകരിച്ചതു
മുതല് ഫിഡല് കാസ്ട്രോ
ആയിരുന്നു ഫസ്റ്റ് സെക്രട്ടറി. അധികാരത്തിലെത്തിയതിന്
പിന്നാലെ രാജ്യത്തെ വ്യവസായവും വാണിജ്യവും
എല്ലാം ദേശീയവല്ക്ക്രിക്കരിച്ചു. 2008ല് പ്രസിഡന്റ്
സ്ഥാനത്തു നിന്നു ഫിഡല് പടിയിറങ്ങി
പകരം സഹോദരന് റൗള്
അധികാരമേറ്റിരുന്നു. അപ്പോഴും പാര്ട്ടി യുടെ
തലപ്പത്തു ഫിഡല് തുടര്ന്നി രുന്നു.കാസ്ട്രോയുടെ നേതൃത്വത്തില്
സ്ഥാപിതമായ ഭരണകൂടത്തെ ആദ്യം അംഗീകരിച്ച
രാജ്യങ്ങളില് ഒന്ന് യു.എസ്
ആയിരുന്നു. അധികാരമേറ്റ് അധികം വൈകാതെ കാസ്ട്രോ യു.എസ്.എയിലേക്ക് ഒരു അനൗദ്യോഗികയാത്ര
നടത്തുകയും ചെയ്തു. എന്നാല് പിന്നീട്
കാസ്ട്രോ ക്യൂബയില്
നടപ്പിലാക്കിയ ഭരണപരിഷ്ക്കാരങ്ങള് അമേരിക്കയെ
ചൊടിപ്പിച്ചു. വന്കിുട ഫാക്ടറികളും കൃഷിക്കളങ്ങളും
ക്യൂബന് സര്ക്കാിര് ഏറ്റെടുക്കുവാന് തുടങ്ങി.
അമേരിക്കന് ഐക്യനാടുകളിലെ വന്കികടകമ്പനികളായിരുന്നു ഇവയൊക്കെ കയ്യടക്കി വെച്ചിരുന്നത്.
ലോകത്തിന്റെ പഞ്ചസാരക്കിണ്ണം എന്നറിയപ്പെട്ടിരുന്ന ക്യൂബയില് തങ്ങളുടെ താല്പര്യങ്ങള്
ഹനിക്കപ്പെടുകയാണെന്ന് മനസ്സിലാക്കിയ അമേരിക്ക ക്യൂബയെ രഹസ്യമായി
എതിര്ക്കാ നും ഒതുക്കാനും
മാര്പാാപ്പയുടെ മധ്യസ്ഥതയില് ഇരുരാഷ്ട്രവും പതിറ്റാണ്ടുകള്മു്മ്പ് വിച്ഛേദിച്ച നയതന്ത്രബന്ധം പുനസ്ഥാപിച്ചു. തുടര്ന്ന് 15 മാസത്തിനുശേഷം
അമേരിക്കന് പ്രസിഡന്റ് ബരാക്ക് ഒബാമ
ക്യൂബയിലെത്തി. ചരിത്രം തിരുത്തി കുറിച്ചാണ്
88 വര്ഷത്തിനുശേഷം ആദ്യമായി സോഷ്യലിസ്റ്റ് ക്യൂബയില്
അമേരിക്കന് പ്രസിഡന്റ് കാലുകുത്തിയത്. 2016 മാര്ച്ചി
ലാണ് ഒബാമ ക്യൂബയിലെത്തിയത്.
അമേരിക്ക-ക്യൂബ നേരിട്ടുള്ള വിമാന
സര്വീയസും തപാല്കൈ്മാറ്റത്തിനുള്ള കരാറുകളിലും ഇരുരാജ്യങ്ങളും ഒപ്പുവെച്ചു. സാമ്രാജ്യത്വത്തിനെതിരെ പൊരുതിനില്ക്കു ന്ന ക്യൂബയെ
അംഗീകരിക്കാന് അമേരിക്ക തയ്യാറായതിന്റെ പ്രതിഫലനമായിരുന്നു
ഒബാമയുടെ സന്ദര്ശതനം.

ബ്രദര് ഒബാമ എന്ന്
അഭിസംബോധന ചെയ്തുകൊണ്ടു തുടങ്ങുന്ന കത്തില് കഴിഞ്ഞ
കാലങ്ങളിലെ ശത്രുത മറക്കാനാവില്ലെന്ന് കാസ്ട്രോ വ്യക്തമാക്കി. ക്യൂബന്
വിപ്ലവത്തിലൂടെ തങ്ങള് നേടിയെടുക്കുകയും കാത്തു
സൂക്ഷിക്കുകയും ചെയ്ത മഹത്വവും സ്വയം
പര്യാപതതയും അടിയറവയ്ക്കുമെന്നു കരുതേണ്ടെന്നും കാസ്ട്രോ ഒബാമയോട്
Prof. John Kurakar
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