
Tuesday, November 1, 2016


                                                                Mathai Mampallil 
Saint Gregorios of India, commonly known as Parumala Kochu Thirumeni, the first proclaimed native Saint of India, proclaimed and canonized as Saint on 2nd November 1947 by the then Supreme Head of the national, indigenous Indian Church, is venerated throughout the whole world. His intercession is sought for, not only by the faithful of his Church and other Christian denominations, but also by the people of other faiths. Although many miracles took place during his life time on this earth and after his departure to heavenly abode, it was for the first time that an Indian citizen born of Indian parents, was formally proclaimed a Saint by the Indian Church on the said date. India is fortunate in giving birth to such a great Saint.
He was born in an ancestral Christian family, ‘Chathuruthil’ family of Mulunthuruthy near Ernakulam, as the youngest son of Kochumathai and Mariam in the then Cochin State, on 15th June 1848. This family had a long history of priesthood. He had two elder brothers and two elder sisters. His original name was Geevarghese, affectionately called Kochaippora. Having lost his mother at a very young age of less than two, he was brought up by his elder sister Mariam. He had his basic education in the traditional village school under two Hindu teachers. Later, his paternal uncle, Geevarghese Malpan of the same family, who was a celibate priest and an authority on liturgical language became his biblical and liturgical teacher. The child displayed extra-ordinary intelligence and divine qualities. The young boy was initiated into the first step of priesthood, became a sub-deacon at the age of 10 on 14th Sept.1858. He continued his theological studies under the Malpan uncle. After sometime his Guru and Malpan uncle was afflicted with a dreadful disease of small-pox, which was spread all over the region He died of this serious infectious disease on the 8th day of his illness creating a vaccum in the spiritual life of the deacon. The young deacon had nursed him till the last moment and himself fallen a victim to this dreadful disease. Suffering from severe pain, the young deacon used to continuously pray, as he considered that prayer was the best medicine for the disease and on one occasion had a vision of Saint Mary standing by his side, consoling him, comforting him that he would recover soon, adivising that he should dedicate the rest of his life to God, and acceding to the advice, he got cured soon. The young deacon believed that his life had a great and divine purpose and completely dedicated himself to the service of God. His miraculous recovery created great enthusiaism and strengthened his belief in the intercession of Saint Mary.
Deacon Geevarghese was ordained a Full Deacon in October 1865, and as a Priest in November 1865 at the age of 17, and was elevated as Corepiscopa in the same month. This was the time, the Church was rocked by reformism and intrigue. The young priest responded by withdrawing into a life of incessant prayer and monastic practice. Mar Anthonios (Saint Antony), a monk lived in third century in Egypt, known for disciplined monastic life, who had abandoned all his worldly possessions and given away all the money to the poor, had become his role model. Fr.Geevarghese Corepiscopa was professed as a Monk (Ramban) on 7th April 1872 at the age of 24, by the then Malankara Metropolitan, Pulikottil Joseph Mar Dionysius, at Mulunthuruthy Mor Thommen Church and appointed him as Malpan of the new Seminary at Parumala. He was fully immersed in his strict schedule of fasting, praying and meditation.
During the visit of Patriarch of Antioch, HH Ignatius Peter-III, in 1875-77, the Church appointed Ramban Geevarghese as the Sercretary and translator to the Patriarch, He not only assisted the Patriarch at the historial Synod of Mulunthuruthy in June 1876 and in the consecration of Holy Mooron in August 1876 but also visited the Churches in Malankara along with the Patriarch. Ramban Geevarghese was one of the six priests selected for consecration as new Metropolitans in the Church, in addition to the Malankara Metropolitan.
At the age of 28, on 10th Decewmber 1876, Ramban Geevarghese was consecrated as a Bishop and installed as Metropolitan Geevarghese Mar Gregorios at North Paravoor Church. The Patriarch had consecrated six Metropolitans, in three stages, of whom Mar Gregorios was the youngest and hence came to be known as “kochu Thirumeni”. The young Metropolitan was given the charge of the Diocese of Niranam, and later on the administration of the Dioceses of Thumpamon and Kollam was also given to him. As Metropolitan, Mar Gregorios engaged in a three-fold activitiy of tireless service for the Church, Diocesan administration, ministerial formation of deacons, and missionary witness of the Church.
“Azhipura” the name of the house, where Thirumeni stayed in Parumala, preserved even today, was used for giving training to the priests. Every year from the day the flag is hoisted for perunal, till its end, non-stop prayer for 144 hours is conducted at this house. The Church at Parumala was built as per the wish of Thirumeni. Along with the Church, the seminary building was also constructed. In 1895, Thirumeni consecrated the Church in the presence of Pulikkottil Mar Dionysius and celebrated the first Holy Qurbana on 27th January 1895. This Church was sanctified with Holy Mooron on 30th August 1912 by the Senior Patriarch of Antioch, HH Ignatius Abdul Messiah. After the Consecration and the Holy Qurbana, the Patriarch declared “The sacred name of Mar Gregorios, who constructed this Church be remembered and blessed for ever”
On 28th January 1895, the next day after the consecration of Parumala Church, Mar Gregorios started a pilgrimage along with seven others to the Holy land. The team travelled by sea and the voyage took 130 days. They returned to Parumala on 6th June 1895. The Saint was a blessed writer. “Oorsalem Yatra Vivaranam”, the book written by him in July 1895 was acclaimed as one of the best travelogues in Malayalam literacy works. His Episcopal guidelines, discourses and kalpanas have deep rooted impact in Malayalam literature.
After the return from Holy land pilgrimage, Thirumeni was selected as the Assistant to the Malankara Metropolitan. In this capacity, Thirumeni used to report to the Patriarch of Antioch about the affairs in Malankara.
Thirumeni was a social reformer. He started a Mission for the upliftment of the untouchables. He wanted them to be led to the love of Christ. As education would open the door of civlisaion, he started Malayalam as well as English medium Schools. He strived hard to start new schools for renaissance in the Society.
Thirumeni had special interest, and love and care for the Catholic Konkani community, who had joined the national Church in India, the Malankara Church, from South Canara, Brahmawar, Goa and Ceylon. He had ordained five priests for them in May 1889, and ordained their leader Fr.Alvares as Ramban on 27th July 1889, and was Co-celebrant at his consecration as Metropolitan Alvares Mar Julius on 29th July 1889 held at Pazhaya Seminary, Kottayam. It was Parumala Thirumeni, who maintained a constant touch with Mar Alvares Julius Metropolitan, when the later was away from Malankara, at Goa or Ceylon. Some of the corresponedence exchanged between them are part of Church records. Thirumeni also participated in the consecration of Fr. Rini Vilathi as Metropolitan Mar Thimotheos at Colombo in Ceylon in 1892.
Thirumeni was not bothered about his ill-health, but showed concern for other sick people. He was in the forefront nursing the sick. Depressed, sick and demon possessed were brought to him, and they felt solace and comfort with his intercession. 
His reputation as a benevolent father, enlightened administrator, social reformer and living legend and a living saint was wide spread and well earned throughout the country.
The Saint had the premonition of his departure from this world and was getting prepared for facing death. He received the Sacrament of “anointing the Sick” (Kantheela) and the Holy Quarabana before entering into eternal life. The source of his wisdom was and action was his prayer. He had a rare vision, clarity of throught and compassion for common man and concern for the country. He entered into heavenly abode peacefully on Sunday, 2nd November 1902, and the body was kept for eternal rest on the northern side of the Altar of the Church, the place which Thrumeni himself had chosen for his eternal rest.
The closing years of Mar Gregorios’ life were of physical suffering and spiritual fortitude. His constant and deep prayers and fasting and complete submission to the Lord resulted in many miracles and the prayers being answered instantly. This made him Saint Gregorios during his earthly life itself. The Saint left for heavenly abode on 2nd November 1902, and entombed at the Parumala Church. Countless people get solace, comforts and rewards on his intercession. The Primate and the Supreme Head of the Malankara Church formally declared him Saint Mar Gregorios on 2nd Novmber 1947, as per decision of the Holy Synod of the Church. The Parumala Church is a Pilgrimage Centre and multitude of people, irrespective of religion, caste or gender visit the place and seek intercessory prayers of this Great Saint. Saint Gregorios stood like a tower. The growing flow of pilgrims to his tomb, even decades after his demise, tells the story of great intercession, healing and faith. People found in him a place of peace, hope and refuge.

Prof. John Kurakar

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