ഉത്തരാഖണ്ഡിലെ രാഷ്ട്രപതിഭരണം:
രാജ്യസഭ സ്തംഭിച്ചു.
opened for the second half of the Budget session to slogan shouting and an
early adjournment of the Rajya Sabha, as the Congress-led opposition insisted
that the imposition of President's Rule in Uttarakhand be discussed before all
Ministers Arun Jaitley
and Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi sparred with the Congress' Anand Sharma and Ghulam Nabi
Azad as the government argued that any discussion on Uttarakhand will be
inappropriate, since the matter is now being heard by the Supreme Court.
"When the
proclamation comes up for a debate in Parliament, we will discuss it then.
Can't discuss it in pre-proclamation stage," said Finance Minister Arun
Jaitley, who is the Leader of the Upper House, in which the government is in
"We have seen how
an elected government was made to fall in Arunachal Pradesh too...This
government deliberately provokes the opposition," said Leader of
opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad, as both sides argued over rules.
Shouting slogans like
"killers of democracy," and "tyranny will not be allowed,"
a furious Congress is clear it will allow no legislative work till both Houses
of Parliament debate BJP-led central government's move to dismiss its Harish
Rawat government and enforce President's Rule in Uttarakhand.
Like opposition
parties, BJP's ally Shiv Sena too says the centre wrongly removed an elected
Congress government to declare President's Rule in the state. "We don't
support imposition of President's Rule in Uttarakhand. Small states
should not be destabilized," said Sena leader Sanjay Raut on his way to
Parliament today.
As he headed into
Parliament this morning, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he believed the
houses will function smoothly. "We hope to get the opposition's support
for Parliament to function and take good decisions," PM Modi said.
The government has 15
sittings left in the Budget session to push a number of bills, including its
major reform the Goods and Services Tax bill, and needs the opposition's help
to pass these in the Rajya Sabha, where it is in a minority.
The GST bill has been
passed by the Lok Sabha, but the opposition has stalled it in the Rajya Sabha,
making the government miss its deadline of implementing the biggest ever tax
reform by April 1 this year. GST is a national sales tax that will subsume a
complicated network of central and state levies and is expected to boost
domestic trade while creating a unified national market.
Opposition parties
also want to take on the government in debates on drought in 13 states and PM
Modi's policy on Pakistan after repeated setbacks in the investigation of the
terror attack on the Pathankot airbase in which seven Indian security personnel
The Budget session,
which began on February 23, ends on May 13. Parliament broke for a recess over
a month long on March 16 and has to also complete financial business related to
the general and rail budgets.
ഉത്തരാഖണ്ഡില് രാഷ്ട്രപതിഭരണം ഏര്പ്പെടുത്തിയ നടപടിക്കെതിരെ പാര്ലമെന്റില് പ്രതിപക്ഷ ബഹളം. അംഗങ്ങള് നടുത്തളത്തിലിറങ്ങി മുദ്രാവാക്യം മുഴക്കിയതോടെ രാജ്യസഭ രണ്ടുവരെ നിര്ത്തിവച്ചു. വിഷയം ചര്ച്ചചെയ്യണമെന്ന് ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടാണ് പ്രതിപക്ഷം ബഹളം തുടങ്ങിയത്. പ്ലക്കാര്ഡുകള് ഉയര്ത്തി മുദ്രാവാക്യം മുഴക്കി ആയിരുന്നു പ്രതിഷേധം. തുടര്ന്ന് പ്രതിപക്ഷം നടുത്തളത്തില് ഇറങ്ങി. ഉത്തരാഖണ്ഡില് രാഷ്ട്രപതിഭരണം ഏര്പ്പെടുത്തിയ നടപടി ഭരണഘടനാ വിരുദ്ധമാണെന്ന് പ്രതിപക്ഷ നേതാവ് ഗുലാംനബി ആസാദ് ആരോപിച്ചു. എന്നാല്, സുപ്രീം കോടതിയുടെ പരിഗണനയിലുള്ള വിഷയത്തില് ചര്ച്ച ആവശ്യമില്ലെന്ന നിലപാടാണ് സര്ക്കാര് സ്വീകരിച്ചത്. കോണ്ഗ്രസ്സിലെ ആഭ്യന്തര പ്രശ്നങ്ങളാണ് രാഷ്ട്രപതി ഭരണത്തിന് ഇടവരുത്തിയതെന്ന് കേന്ദ്ര ആഭ്യന്തരമന്ത്രി രാജ്നാഥ് സിങ് പറഞ്ഞു
Prof. John Kurakar
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