ഫിലിപ്പീന്സില് യാത്രാബോട്ട്
മുങ്ങി 36 മരണം, 19 പേരെ കാണാതായി
Based on information provided by the Philippines Coast Guard,
GMA News reported that 26 passengers are still missing as the operation
continues. 118 passengers have been saved by rescue workers who used rubber
boats to take survivors to safety.PCG spokeswoman Geraldine Galleposo told the New York Times:
"According to initial reports, there were strong currents prevailing in
the area."The PCG also said that the captain of the Kim Nirvana turned to
open sea an did not expect the high waves. The organisation added that,
although high waves were reported, the sea was "managable", and it is
exploring the possibility of a human error.The ferry's destination was Pilar
Island, which is around 14 miles from Ormoc.The boat, which has been identified
as a motor banca, a canoe-shaped passenger ship, was not overloaded as it could
carry a total of 178 passengers. Maritime safety, however, has been a big issue in the Philippines
The AP reported that survivors felt the bow of the ship suddenly surged
upwards, after which the boat fell to its side and started sinking.ഫിലിപ്പീന്സിലെ
ലെയ്ത് പ്രവിശ്യയില് യാത്രാബോട്ട് മുങ്ങി 36 പേര് മരിച്ചു. 19 പേരെ കാണാതായി.ഒര്മോക്
നഗരത്തില് നിന്ന് കമോട്ടസ് ദ്വീപിലേക്ക് പോയ ബോട്ടാണ് മുങ്ങിയത്. ബോട്ടില്
173 യാത്രക്കാരുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. നൂറിലധികം യാത്രക്കാരെ രക്ഷപ്പെടുത്തിയത്
Prof. John Kurakar
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