
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed by Dr Samuel Hahnemann in Germnay during the eighteenth Century. Homeopathy is based on Greek words which mean similar suffering, it’s a alternative to the standard medical practice. Homeopathy has a different concept and a unique one which is different to other way of medical practice. Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world, the first homeopathic hospital was opened in 1832 and then homeopathic medical schools were opened all over Europe. The Classical homeopathy basically deals with a system of medical treatment which is based on the use of little quantities of remedies that in larger doses produce effects similar to those of the disease being treated. The concept of Hahnemann was top use very small doses of a medication, and that could have very powerful healing effects because their potency could be affected by vigorous and methodical shaking (succession).
In other conventional or allopathic medicine the use of drugs are much more and the disease is suppressed and for the time being removed by the increase in dose of antibiotics. Homeopathy also stimulates the body and increases the healing power of the body; it strengthens the immune system of the body making the body healthy and strong. Homeopathy also has a tendency to treat all conditions effectively and it is also said that there is no incurable disease, just have incurable patients. Hahnemann in order to test his methods use to experiment on himself with various  drugs. He thus concluded that "a doctor should use only those remedies which would have the power to create, in a healthy body, symptoms similar to those that might be seen in the sick person being treated." He also backed the ideology of giving medicines in single doses, he claimed, not in complex mixtures. Many arguments were largely associated with homeopathy regarding the efficiency of the way of treatments. The theory of homeopathy was also challenged and doubts were raised on its success to cure all diseases.
Now a day’s homeopathy is one of the major medical practice used to cure several diseases. Homeopathy arrived in India with Dr John Martin Honigberger (1795-1869). It is also taught as a medical course in universities and it is popular is mostly in Europe and India rather in USA, and other part of the world.
People around the world require medicines at one time or the other. Some people use direct medicines like antibiotics and others opt for alternative therapies like homeopathy, ayurveda, etc.Healthcare industry is all set to grow exponentially and India with its inherent qualities is poised to become the global hub for healthcare delivery.  It is being touted as the next 'big boom' and the sector is expected to grow rapidly over the next decade, to reach a level of Rs. 3,00,000 crore by 2012, largely spurred by an increased corporate presence in the sector. Currently the alternative healthcare industry is approximately Rs 7000 crore of which Homeopathy accounts for 14% of around Rs. 630 crore. Homeopathy has also been witnessing 25% yearly growth from the past 5 years. This sector has witnessed the foray of newer corporate brands thereby projecting the emergence of a potential healthcare corporate sector. Companies like Dr. Batra's Positive Health Clinics and Bakson's and pumping in as much as Rs. 15 Crore & Rs 5 Crore respectively in Advertising & Promotion.
Homeopathy is an alternative method of treatment, based on the nature's Law of Cure, namely 'Like Cures Like'. Homeopathy is the revolutionary, natural medical science. It is gentle and an effective system of medicine. The remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body's own healing power. Homeopathy is highly scientific, logical, safe, quick and extremely effective method of healing. It offers long lasting to permanent cure, treating the disease from its roots, for most of the ailments. It is the most rational science with respect to its concepts of health, disease and cure. Homoeopathy does not treat superficially by just driving away the symptoms but heals the patient from within. Undoubtedly, homoeopathy is the medicine of the future. The World Homeopathy Day 2012 was observed across the globe including Pakistan with the aim to explore more up-to-date treatments to cure the different kinds of diseases. April 10 is the date of birth of renowned scientist Dr Samuel Hahnemann who created and developed the system called homeopathy. It is also known as similia similibus curentor or “let like be cured by like”. Homeopathy is the revolutionary, natural medical science. It is gentle and an effective system of medicine. It is gentle and an effective system of medicine. The remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body’s own healing power.
  Kerala Palliative Care initiative observed World Homoeopathy Day on 10th April at Kurakar Center, Kottarakara. Prof. John Kurakar,( President, Kerala Palliative Care initiative) inaugurated the celebration. Dr. Jaya Sankar, Dr. Jaya Kumar, Dr Balakrishnan, Dr. Varghese , Dr. T.C Mathew, Dr Mathew Jacob addressed the function.
                                              Kerala Palliative Care initiative


1 comment:

Nancy said...

Greetings to all homeopaths and patients of homeopathy spread across 7 continents - a wonderful "World Homeopathy Day" on 10 April 2012 on account of the 257th birthday (1755) of founder and father of Homeopathy Dr. Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann.