Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka has invited applications for admission to various courses, including MBBS, BDS, B.Sc. nursing, B.Pharm., B.Tech., B.Arch.; MD; MS; postgraduate diploma; MDS; M.Pharm.; M.Sc. nursing; MPH; DM; MCh; and MBA programmes. Submit applications online on www.manipal.edu. There will be a single application form and a common admission process for all courses. Application forms are available offline at select branches of the State Bank of India and Syndicate Bank on payment of Rs.500 or request one in writing from the Director, Admissions, Manipal University, Manipal — 576 104, enclosing a demand draft for Rs.500 drawn in favour of Manipal University payable at Manipal. Apply now. www.manipal.edu. Last date for receiving application for the MBBS and the BDS courses is March 10.The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology at Valiyamala in Thiruvananthapuram, under the Department of Space, has invited applications for admission to a post-doctoral fellowship programme starting in February in the areas of avionic, physics, chemistry, and earth and Space sciences. The monthly fellowship is Rs.40,000. Last date: January 15 The St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore has invited applications for admission to its postgraduate medical degree and diploma courses. Application forms, priced at Rs.650, will be distributed from December 19. Last date: January 31. Entrance test: February 19. The academy has also invited applications for its M.Sc. nursing course. The form costs Rs.700 and will be distributed from December 19. Last date: January 20. www.stjohns.in The Kalinga Institute of Medical Science under KIIT University, Bhubaneswar has invited applications for admission to the MD course in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, and community medicine. Applications can be submitted online till December 31. The entrance test will be conducted on January 25. www.kiitee.ac.in, www.kims.ac.in The National Inland Navigation Institute, Gaighat Patna, has invited applications for admission to a six-month residential rating induction course for inland vessels for those who have passed the 10th standard. The applicants should be between the age of 17 and a half and 25 as on February 16, relaxed by five years for those belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. The course fee is Rs.13,000. Last date: January 3. www.niniedu.com. E-mail: dmissionnini@niniedu. com Gitam University has invited applications for an admission test to be held between April 15 and May 4 for admission to its B.Tech., B.Arch., and five-year dual-degree M.Tech. programmes. Download the application forms online at www.gitam.edu. Last date: March 14. The All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi has invited applications for the computer-based Common Management Admission Test (C-MAT 2012) to be held from February 20 to 28. Graduates in any discipline or final year students of graduate courses can apply online before January 9. Www.aicte-cmat.in. In Kerala, the test centres are in Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, and Kozhikode. The test fee is Rs.1,200 (Rs.600 for those belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes and the physically challenged). VIT University has invited applications online on www.vit.ac.in/admissions for its engineering entrance examination (VITEEE- 2012) to be held on April 21 for admission to B.Tech programmes. Last date: February 29. The National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Noida has invited applications for a joint entrance examination to be held on April 28 for admission to a three-year B.Sc. hospitality and hotel administration course at various institutions, including the Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology in Kovalam. Last date: April 13. www.nchmct.org. The National Power Training Institute, Durgapur has invited applications for admission to a post-diploma programme in thermal power plant engineering. Apply online before January 6. www.nptidurgapur.com Indian Maritime University Mumbai campus has invited applications for admission to a one-year pre-sea training course for graduates in mechanical and naval architecture engineering. Last date: December 23. www.imu.tn.nic.in
Prof. John Kurakar |
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