
Wednesday, November 17, 2010



          In the modern world,computer and Internet is inevitable, online activity has become necessary in all fields- ticketing,banking,paying bills,shopping, correspondence, dating,seeking jobs, trading etc. By resorting to the click of a mouse for everything, we have lost the human touch, youngsters spend most of their time in front of their computers.They do not know how to behave with others or treat the elders. No doubt, conducting business online has its advantages. But the disadvantages are many. It is well known that online trading is one of the main causes of price rise.
          The elders,teachers and parents can teach values to youngesters, computer cannot. Machines cannot guide them. Unfortunately children today have no time to sit with the elders because of the internet option.
          The internet has made our earth a global village. It brings every thing close to us. But it creates a huge  distance among people. We are losing the human touch and morality. Students have become less efficient. The children does not realize what it is missing. Simple pleasures such as brisk early morning walks, relaxed evenings with friends,and outdoor games. The internet, no doubt,helps us to keep in touch with our friends but there is no substitute for human interaction.
Modern technology has made our lives a lot easier, we must agree that it has made us lazy and inactive. We have no human contact and social discourse outside our homes. Prolonged viewing of the internet adversely affects our eyes and neck, and induces stress. Teachers and parents should educate the youngsters on the adverse effects.We can get all the information we want with in minutes of browsing the internet, sitting at home. The internet has brought people separated by thousands of kilometers close

Prof. John Kurakar

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