
Friday, January 4, 2013



Putting an end to all speculations, the two Italian marines, allowed relaxation in bail conditions to fly back home to celebrate Christmas, arrived in Kochi on Friday morning by a special chartered flight.The marines, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, who are awaiting trial in India and are also under investigation in Italy, were questioned by prosecutors in Rome for five hours before boarding a special military flight from Ciampino airport.'Since they were able to leave for Italy from here earlier than scheduled, they are coming back early. According to the relaxed bail conditions of the Kerala High Court, they need to report here latest by 3 p.m Jan 10,' said the counsel.

'They are keeping their word and will return to India with the hope that the case will be over quickly,' Girone's wife,Vania, said earlier.It was Dec 22 that the two marines flew out of Kochi airport after fulfilling all the conditions put up by the high court, which included a Rs.6 crore bank guarantee and also written assurance from the Italian government that it will ensure that the two return to face trial.Rome has repeatedly called the case against the two men illegal and has appealed to India's Supreme Court to quash it.Italy insists the marines should be prosecuted in their home country because the shootings involved an Italian-flaggedvessel in international waters, but India says the incident took place in waters under its jurisdiction.Armed guards are increasingly deployed on cargo ships and tankers in the Indian Ocean to tackle the threat posed by Somali pirates, who often hold ships and crews hostage for months demanding multi-million-dollar ransoms.Among those who opposed their departure and expressed doubts if the two would return included the Communist Party of India-Marxist and other Left parties besides the kin of the killed fishermen and also fishermen organisations here.

Prof. John Kurakar

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