Bharatiya Vichara Kendra was established in 1982, by Mr P
Parameshwaran as a centre of research and studies aimed at national re-construction.
It is headquartered at
Thiruvananthapuram. The Bharatheeya vichara Kendra has been registered
under the travancore-cochin literary, scientific and charitable societies Act,
on 13 November 1991(Reg.No 905/91.Tvm).
It was inaugurated by the
nationalist, ideologue and the founder of
Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, Sri Dattopantji
Bapurao Thengdi ,on the
vijayadhashmi Day of 1982,at Thiruvannthapuram, Mananeeya P. Parameswaran ,writer, thinker,
ideologues and one of the first batch of RSS pracharaks, its founder-director.
It was founded in 1982 and has
at present, thirty functioning units in academically important centre of
Kerala. It is dedicated to the cause of formulating and disseminating thoughts
and ideas having a positive bearing on nation-building activities.The
organisation was formed in 1982 in Trivandrum
with P. as the Director. It is
affiliated with and supported by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak SanghThe
Organisation has celebrated its silver jubilee on July 7 2007.
The Vichara Kendram regularly
organizes seminars and symposiums on various topics. Lectures by distinguished
scholars and leaders are periodically organized on topics of regional and
national importance. The important events organized by the Kendram include
lecture series on the diverse streams of our freedom movement, seminar on ‘Aryan Invasions - A Myth’ An intensive course for
students on Indian history, centenary celebration of Swami Vivekanandas Chicago
address, two day state level seminar on the socio-economic and cultural history
of Kerala named ‘Changing face of Kerala ’;
National seminars on uniform civil code ,
An exhibition and seminar in observance of the 20th anniversary of imposition
of national emergency, the Kerala Sanskrit Sammelam; Nila Vichara Sathram-a
seminar on the ecological and cultural history of Bharathapuzha; State level
workshop in connection with the golden jubilee celebrations of Indian Independence, history congress
on Kerala and freedom struggle and state level seminar on historiography and
methodology. A national seminar on “Research for National Resurgence” was held
on August 2003 as a fitting finale to the two decades of work of Bharatheeya
Vichara Kendram in promoting a nascent scientific and socio-political culture
relevant to our country. Vice Chancellors, Academicians and other resource
personal from all over India attended the seminar. The seminar was cosponsored
by national assessment and accreditation council (NAAC), University Grants Commission and
various universities of Kerala.Propagation of the Bhagavad-Gita .Vichara
Kendram has taken the initiative to propagate Sanskrit, yoga and Gita.. Gita has been
introduced as a panacea affecting the society especially to the youths. The
Gita year celebrations were inaugurated in 1998,at the university senate hall,
Thiruvananthapuram. More than 400 Bhagavad-Gita Gita Shibirs were organized in
all over the state in which lakhs of youth attended.
Bharatiya Vichara Kendra was established in 1982, by Mr P Parameshwaran as its Director as a centre of research and studies aimed at national re-construction.
Headquartered in Thiruvananthapuram, BVK was inaugurated by Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) founder Dattopantji Thengdi on the Vijayadhashmi Day of 1982.BVK is dedicated to the cause of formulating and disseminating thoughts and ideas having a positive bearing on nation-building activities.The Vichara Kendram regularly organises seminars and symposiums on various topics. Lectures by distinguished scholars and leaders are periodically organised on topics of regional and national importance.
Prof. John Kurakar
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