
Saturday, March 24, 2012


Pampady is a beautiful village in the Kottayam district of Kerala, India. Majority of the people there belonged to Orthodox Syrian Christian Denomination. "Karinganamattom" Family is one such old time, famous Orthodox Syrian Christian Family, a branch of which is the  "Moolakara" Family  into which Our Thirumeni was born. "Avira", Thirumeni's paternal grandfather had two sons - Kuruvilla and Chacko. Chacko married Ilachi from the Velukottu family from Veloor. They had four sons and six daughters. Thirumeni was the fifth child among the nine of them. He was born on 1060 Meenam, 24th according to the Malayalam System or on April 5th, 1885 (Sunday) according to the English Calendar. Thirumeni's baptismal name is "Kuriakose". Though our Thirumeni's parents were not very rich, it never hindered their prayerful life. Thirumeni's father used to teach the young Kuriakose prayers by making him sit on the father's lap. Thirumeni's mother taught him Psalms from his childhood days. All these instilled Thirumeni to lead a prayerful life from the very young days.
Thirumeni's father Chacko, built a house in the "Pezhamattathu Plot". This was at the place called "Patham Mile" (10th Mile), North Of K. K. Road (Kottayam - Kumily Road) around 20 km away from Kottayam town.  This house was later donated to the Church to built a "Kurishum Thotty" (Cross) by the family members after the Heavenly Abode of Thirumeni. Now a big cross in the name of Pampady Thirumeni stands in the place where initially the house of Thirumeni was situated.  Thirumeni was made the Sub-Deacon and given title of the "Korooyo" (sub-deacon) at the Pamapady Church on 5 Feb, 1899 at the age of fourteen by Poulose Mar Athanasios, who was in charge of the Kottayam diocese. Along with Thirumeni at that time itself, Rev Father O.C. Kuriakose of Kandathil and Alexanthrayose  Kor Episcope of Kadavumbhagam was given the Sub -deaconship. Later he was elevated to the order of  'SHAMSHONO' (Full-Deacon) Immediately after he was made the Deacon, Thirumeni proceeded to the Old Seminary for his theological studies. The main Malpan (Teacher) at that time was Vattasheril Geevarghese Malpan. Scaria Malpan of Ilavanamannil, Alexanthrayose Malpan of Mattaykal and  P. P Joseph Kathanar (Fr Joseph) of Chakkarakadavil were the other main teachers of Thirumeni. Every Monday morning Thirumeni would walk to Kottayam along with other Pastoral students and would return back on Friday. It was routine for Thirumeni to invite his friends home on Fridays. He enjoyed treating them with tasty food. This hospitality of Thirumeni is well known far and wide and continued till his last days. Slowly the young Deacon became well versed in Syriac Language, Biblical Knowledge and mastered theological treaties and sacraments. He was a very good student who always respected his teachers and other scholars. His simple life style, discipline, humility and hard work made him a favourite among his teachers.
Vattasseril Malpan was impressed by the young deacon's prayerful and disciplined life. He felt that the young deacon was apt to be ordained as the 'Metropolitan'. But before that he needed to be ordained as the 'Ramban'. Thus on 8th July, 1906 the young deacon was ordained as the Kassisso (Full-Priest) by H.G Murimattathu Poulose Mar Ivanios (the first Catholicose of Malankara). The next day the Catholicose ordained him as the Ramban. Thus Pampady Thirumeni was consecrated as the 'Ramban' (Rabban in Syriac) on 9th July, 1906 by the Catholicose H.G.Poulose Mar Ivanios at the Pampady Church. The next day 'Ramban' solemnised his first Holy Mass. After being ordained as the Ramban on 9th July, 1906 by the Catholicose H.G. Poulose Mar Ivanios, Ramban stayed at the Pampady Church. It was during this time that the Pampady Church was rebuilt and the second floor was built to the 'Nadakashala'. The beautiful paintings now seen in the 'Madbaha' of the Church were also drawn during this time. Ramban used to announce in the  Church about the planned work and the devotees used to gather together to do these work, which got over very quickly due to the united effort. Ramban was very particular that all the workers should be fed well. The people used to present Ramban with many eatables and harvests when they visited him. And all these were given away to the devotees who used to come to see Ramban. It should be noted that the more he gave, the more he used to get back. Ramban's first teacher, Madathil Aashan still continued teaching in the Pallivathulkal School, adjacent to the church. It was Ramban's another main hobby to present the students there with eatables. Thus Ramban was loved by one and all
  At this time, as per the instruction of Ramban's Malpan H G Vattasseril Thirumeni, Ramban shifted to the Parumala seminary. There he served as the assistant of Kallasheril Punnose Ramban. The stay at Parumala Seminary, where Parumala Thirumeni's body was laid to rest was indeed a spiritual renovation for the Ramban. His desire to follow the sanctified footsteps of Parumala Thirumeni raised the Ramban to great heights. He was also appointed to teach Syriac to the church scholars at Parumala Seminary. Vattasseril  Thirumeni used to make Ramban write replies for his letters from foreign lands like 'Sheema'. Ramban's Syriac letters were very beautiful and hence his hand writing very impressive. One day, His Grace Abdulla Patriarch, who was staying at the seminary asked Ramban to celebrate the Holy Qurbana. Though initially Ramban was a bit hesitant to Celebrate the Holy Mass in Syriac in front of the Patriarch, it finally re When the First Catholicose, H.G Murimattathu Poulose Mar Ivanios was not well and was resting at Parumala Seminary, Ramban used to look after him with due care and love. The Catholicose used to term Ramban lovingly as "My Ramban" ("Ente Rambachan"). The Bava Thirumeni used to love Ramban so much. Bava played a major role in forcing the Ramban  to become the Catholicose, when Vakathanam Kaaruchira Pilaksinos Metropolitan disagreed to continue as the Catholicose.sulted in everyone praising Ramban. Due to the insistence of Vattasseril Thirumeni and Mathews Mar Ivanios of Kottayam diocese, Ramban was ordained as the Metropolitan on 16th February, 1929 by the Late Moran Mar Baselious Geevarghese 11 Catholicose. This was the next day after which Baselious Thirumeni took over as the Catholicose. Hence Pampady Thirumeni is the first Metropolitan, H.H Catholicose consecrated. He was also presented the name " Kuriakose Mar Gregorios".
Pampady Thirumeni had a very close relation with Bava Thirumeni. Pampady Thirumeni always used to carry a hand kerchief and a key set. He made it a point to hand over the hand kerchief to someone present there before visiting Bava  Thirumeni as a token of respect. There should not be anything hidden before him. He never used to visit Bava Thirumeni showing his bare head. Bava Thirumeni also had a great affection towards Pampady Thirumeni. Even in his last days, inspite of failing memory, he used to enquire about Pampady Thirumeni. As the Metropolitan of Kottayam, he lead the diocese beautifully for about 36 years. Whatever be the problem in the diocese, he tackled everything smoothly by the grace of the Holy Spirit. He presided over the functions of Parumala Seminary also for an year during this time. His devotion for Parumala Thirumeni was tremendous. After the ordination, Pampady Thirumeni was presented the Holy Sceptre (Amsha Vadi) of Parumala Thirumeni. This Amsha Vadi was given to Thirumeni by the Holy Grace to perform everything well. Every year Pampady Thirumeni made it a point to visit the Kabar of Parumala Thirumeni and fast for a day in prayer.  Pampady Thirumeni was the trustee of the Catholicate Endowment (Catholica Nidhi) which was started in 1934. Thus he was able to guide the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in all matters. His devotees in Kottayam built the Karapuzha Mar Gregorios Chapel. Just like Pampady Dayara, Thirumeni used to look after this chapel also. In memory of Thirumeni, Pampady Mar Gregorios Memorial High School was built in 1929 by Thirumeni's paternal uncle, Pampady Karinganamattathil Kochukora. Thirumeni used to get up early in the morning at four. In addition to the five Lents that the church has specified, Thirumeni used to take fasting prayers and Lents to end the fight between the two factions. Even during the time of Church fights, Thirumeni had no anger or dispute towards any body. He visited Mar Athanasios Thirumeni at Thrikunathu Seminary when he was not well. Similarly he visited the diseased Michael Mar Dionysius at the Manarcad Church.
During this time, there came a Court Order that he was not supposed to enter the Pampady Valiyapally, which was his own church (idavaka pally). The order was brought to Thirumeni for his signature. Thirumeni enquired as to what it was and was told the matter. He immediately signed it and gave it. His eyes became red. He said "even the dogs can enter to the Church premises and bats can move freely along the church lofts, but me....".After that it was required that Thirumeni had to go to the Court to record his words. Two to three days before the case, Thirumeni used to go to the Pazhaya seminary. Advocates used to come and teach Thirumeni what to tell in the court. But Thirumeni always used to pray that he should never be led into the Court. He had full assurance in the Lord God and was not worried about the material things around. One day, Thirumeni had to reach the premises of the Court to give verdict. But the case was postponed to a further date and later it was cancelled. Thus Thirumeni never had to enter the Court.
There were many incidents which brought forth the caring nature of Thirumeni. One such incident is mentioned here. There was a beggar in Pampady named Murikayan Mathai from 'Thiruvithamkore'. Thirumeni felt a great concern for this person. He came to know that the beggar was lying in a state of severe disease due to old age in a shed at 11th Mile, beside K K Road. Thirumeni instructed a near by person to take care of the beggar. The next day, Thirumeni visited him and anointed him ("Rogikalude Thaliabhishekom").  Very soon the beggar died and Thirumeni arranged for his funeral in the Pampady Valiya Pally cemetery itself.  Thirumeni used to help many high school and college students, without any one coming to know of it! One day a college student near Thiruvalla wrote a letter to Thirumeni, requesting for money to be given as the college fees. Thirumeni replied telling that he would do so. He remembered this the day before the last day of the payment and send the money through a person to the student. These incidents goes on and on. Anyone who came to know Thirumeni would tell about these qualities in Him.
Kantheela' was administered to the Pampady Thirumeni, Metropolitan of Kottayam diocese, on Dec 8, 1962 by Catholicose designate Augen Mar Thimotheus Metropolitan, Mar Ivanios, Mar Asthanasius and Mar Kuriakose assisted by more than fifty priests in the presence of thousands of faithful church members. Mar Thimotheus Thirumeni offered Holy Qurbana at the dayara chapel in the morning. 'Kantheela' ceremony started around 2 p.m. Thirumeni, totally weak and ill lay on a wooden platform specially made and placed at the western courtyard of the chapel. Cross and lighted candles were placed at appropriate places. Chief priests and others in their ceremonial robes wee seated appropriately. Mar Thimotheus Thirumeni spoke about the relevance and need for 'Kantheela Susroosha' as much of its significance. Thirumeni dwelt especially on the significance of the (Susroosha) service in the case of a unique shepherd who tended his sheep in the most faithful and careful manner taking it upon himself as a God given responsibility. As has been pointed out be apostle James it is a holy sacrament meant to absolve one of sins as much as to relieve him of his ailment. In 'Kantheela' the patient is anointed in the name of Christ. In is an anointing ceremony in all details. It is a blessing to receive this sacrament. Thimotheus Thirumeni concluded by saying that since such a blessing was being showered on Mar Gregorious Thirumeni, God's beloved and chosen son. It was the duty and privilege for everyone present there to take part in the service with due respect and in prayer for Thirumeni's recovery. Holy oil was anointed on every limb of  Thirumeni at appropriate stages of the service which lasted full two hours. The prayers offered by all the Thirumeni's together, laying their hands on Pampady Thirumeni's head was indeed a moving experience.  
Catholicise designate Augen Mar Thimotheus Thriumeni, during the Holy Qurbana at Pampady dayara on 09th June, 1962 said: "We solemnised the 'Kantheela Susroosha' for Gregorios Thirumeni after Holy Qurbana yesterday. We consider it a big blessing. Even though physically present with us, Thirumeni is one who has left everything mortal, with his mind full of thoughts about heaven. There is none in our church like him. We all think about material things much more. But Thirumeni is fully prepared to go to Heaven. We consider it a real blessing that five Metropolitans and fifty achens could solemnise the function in the presence of thousands of believers. This Achen (Fr. P. C Yohannan) looks after him more than blood children would do for a father. Moreover there are a few young men who are prepared to do anything for Thirumeni here in the dayara".
By noon on April 4, Sunday (1965)his condition became critical. Doctors warned that there were only few hours left for him. Minutes ticked away into the night. Priests and laymen continued to pour out their hearts through the 'yama prardhanas' and prayers for the time of death.  By 2 A.M . Mar Ivanios Thirumeni marked the cross on his forehead. By 2.35 his blessed soul flew away to eternal bliss leaving behind the mud house for which he never cared. The dayara church bell tolled informing all the faithful about the sad demise. The watch that Thirumeni had been using also stopped at 2.35 A.M.
                                                       Prof. John Kurakar


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information about Pampady Thirumeni

Unknown said...

why is pampady thirumeni considered important?