
Tuesday, March 27, 2012



Cashew is a tropical evergreen plant, belonging to the family of Anacardiaceae, known for its seeds that are consumed worldwide. This plant is actually a small to medium sized tree with a single trunk and thick leaves. The sweet flavored nut like seeds are obtained from the bottom of the false fruit of this tree, which is termed as cashew apples. The outer covering of the seeds are toxic and is hence removed before consuming the seed. These kidney shaped kernels are of different grades, sizes and colors.Cashews are cultivated mainly in Kerala, Maharashtra and Goa. Cashew processing is a well established activity in Kerala and Goa but it is yet to pick up in Maharashtra. Konkan region of Maharashtra is famous for cashews and alphanso mangoes. It is also attracting number of Cashews are cultivated mainly in Kerala, Maharashtra and Goa.Cashews form an integral part of dry fruits and are used in many preparations since long. Raw cashews (cashews with kernels or shells) are plucked from plants and then they areprocessed and kernels are removed so that table variety can be obtained.
 Cashews are high value dry fruits with retail price ranging from Rs. 200/- to Rs. 325/- per kg.
Their shelf-life is 4 to 6 months if processed properly or else they develop fungus or taste
bitter. They are used in many sweet preparations, certain farsan items, dessert preparations
and ice-creams. They are also used as table enrichers in some exclusive restaurants and star
hotels. Due to their high price, their regular domestic use is limited to few elite families.Cashew trees are attractive trees with large leaves and pretty, pink flowers. Cashews, as you know them, are nuts. But the cashew nut is not the only fruit of the cashew trees. Or rather, the cashew nut is only a part of the cashew fruit.The other part is called the cashew apple. (Although pear would suit it much better...) And if I wanted to be super accurate then I'd have to point out that the cashew apple is actually the swollen stem of the fruit. Anyway, you can see some ripe cashew apples in the picture.
The cashew apple looks very attractive with its red cheeks. It's high in Vitamin C, refreshing, very juicy, but a bit acidic. And it leaves a furry feeling in your mouth...I use it together with other fruit in juices or blended into fruit yogurt etc. It's also very nice when dried. In fact, I grow cashew trees more for the apples than for the nuts.The cashew nut is inside the funny looking, kidney shaped shell that is attached to the bottom of the cashew apple. Also inside that shell is a very nasty, caustic liquid that causes severe burns, so be careful when handling it.
Cashew seed is the food product of the new world as it is a native to Brazil. It is placed third among the largest consumed tree nuts in the world. Cashew is largely consumed as a dry fruit or an ingredient in different cuisines of different cultures of the world. It is also used in the grounded form that is called cashew butter. This seed has a high level of oil content in it and that is why has some industrial uses as well. the oil is required for two main purposes i.e. used in brake linings as a friction particle and also as a major constituent in phenalkamine that is used as a floor coating material. The commercial production of cashew seed is done in more than 32 countries of the world. The seed generally prosper in the hot and humid regions of the earth near the equator like in central and south American zone, India and oceanic zone and African zone. The world’ total produce in the context of cashews is around 22.5 lakh tons per annum. Vietnam is the largest producer of  raw cashew followed by India and Brazil. India dominates and leads the cashew kernel production list. The total area in the world under cashew cultivation figures up to 35.1 lakh hectares. The world consumption of cashew has ever been rising with time. In 1955 the world production figures for cashew consumption was 125000 tons which rose up to around 1 million tons in 1995 and now it is almost same as the level of production. The major cashew consuming countries in the world leaded by United States of America.

                                                      Prof. John Kurakar

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