
Saturday, December 24, 2011


A fair of agricultural and industrial products made by small entrepreneurs in the district will be organised here from December 22 to January 1 by the district panchayat in connection with Christmas as part of its scheme to provide marketing facilities to small and micro units in the district. Announcing this at a press conference here on Tuesday, district panchayat president K.A. Sarala said that Rural Development Minister K.C. Joseph would inaugurate the fair at the Police Maidan at 2 p.m. on Thursday. She said that such fairs organised during festival seasons were among the major welfare schemes being implemented by the panchayats to help small entrepreneurs who were not equipped to compete with big manufacturing companies.
Mr. Sarala said that such fairs had to a certain extent been able to check cheap and poor quality products including Chinese items being sold in the market in large numbers. The festival season fairs had emerged as a source of hope for small entrepreneurs, she added. As many as 96 stalls would be arranged at the fair. The anticipated sales turnover from the fair is Rs.1 crore. The products of Kudumbasree units, women's industrial units, industrial cooperative societies, Regional Agro-Industrial Development Co-operative of Kerala Ltd., Kerala State Rubber Co-operative Ltd., Kerala Soaps and units under the Fisheries Department and Agricultural Department as well other small entrepreneurs would be on sale at the stalls. The items to be marketed in the fair would include dress materials, curry powder, pickles, soaps, seeds, planting materials, earthenware, and Ayurveda products.She said the district panchayat had allocated Rs.21 lakh in the district panchayat's annual plan for 2011-12 for holding the fairs during Onam, Ramzan, Christmas, New Year, and Vishu seasons. The District Industries Centre was in charge of holding the fair, she added.

                                               Prof. John Kurakar

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