Every three years since 1997, the World Water Forum mobilises creativity, innovation, competence and know-how in favour of water. It gathers all stakeholders around today’s local, regional and global issues that cannot be undertaken without all stakeholders into a common framework of goals and concrete targets to reach.
The goal of the 6th World Water Forum is to tackle the challenges our world is facing and to bring water high on all political agendas. There will be no sustainable development while the water issues remain unsolved. Everywhere on the planet, for all and everyone, the Right to Water (recognised by 189 states at the UN one year ago) must be guaranteed and implemented

• Over 250 sessions and panels and about 100 Grassroots & Citizenship events• Regional Trialogues organised among Ministers, Parliamentarians and Local/ Regional Authorities.
• High Level Roundtables One week of discussions, hot debates, solutions and best practice sharing in order to achieve concrete solutions and commitments for the cause of water.The Forum is open to all who want to contribute and participate in the resolution of global water challenges!
You are invited to join and contribute to the Platform for Solutions www.solutionsforwater.org, a tool to share solutions and to commit for water.Designed for the World Water Forum in 2012 and beyond, this sustainable platform is an open-source, transparent tool to collect,share and follow solutions and commitments for water.This Platform for Solutions anchored in global water priorities and in regional or thematic targets developed througouth the World Water Forum preparation. The international water community, and whoever desires to get involved, can use this interactive tool to upload their suggestions of solutions and post comments to generate discussions.
Focusing on solutions and action, the 6th World Water Forum - Time for Solutions! shows how the international water community contributes to tackle the key challenges our world is facing, from access to water for all to climate change to food security. This 6th Forum encourages strong commitments and partnership working for the implementation and scaling
up of promising solutions by all actors in the different regions: decision-makers, civil society, funders and experts.In order to address the global water challenges,the 6th Forum focuses on 12 Priorities for Action and 3 Conditions for Success translated into common
measurable goals. These targets and their implementation plans provide a strategic frame to the identification and scaling up of promising solutions.
Existing or innovative, solutions can be institutional(governance structures, plans, policies…), legal (a law, a decree, a treaty…), technical (an appropriate device, a plant, a tool, a software…), financial (levy, transfers, tariffs…) or communication-related (advocacy campaigns, videos, leaflets…).Above all, your solution must contribute to tackling a key water-related issue and help reach the World Water Forum targets in any regions in the world.
You can contribute to the 6th World Water Forum, with your solution(s):publish it on line www.solutionsforwater.org or send us a fax at 0033 (0) 4 95 09 01 41 orwrite us at au 11, La Canebière, 13001 Marseille –France. You can also ask us to send you the Forum Solution Form by fax to you if you prefer.The form is designed to present your solutions and to
gather essential information for our working groups to progress in the implementation of their action plan
Prof. John Kurakar
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