A special court in Hyderabad Monday sent former Karnataka minister and mining baron Gali Janardhana Reddy and Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC) director B. Srinivas Reddy to judicial custody for 14 days in an illegal mining case. The two, who were arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) early Monday at Bellary in Karnataka, were produced before a CBI court at the Nampally Criminal Court complex. After hearing arguments for one-and-half hours, the judge sent the accused to judicial remand till Sep 19. They are likely to be shifted to Chanchalguda Central Jail. The court adjourned to Sep 7 the hearing on the CBI's petition seeking the custody of the accused for 15 days. Earlier, the CBI shifted the accused from Bellary to Hyderabad amid tight security.
CBI Joint Director V.V. Lakshminarayana, who led a team of officers who arrested the accused in Bellary, told reporters that they were held on the basis of evidence gathered by the agency. "We will interrogate and collect more evidence," he said, when asked if the CBI would arrest more accused. The arrests were made in connection with a case registered by the CBI against OMC in 2009 for illegal mining in the forest area of Andhra Pradesh bordering Karnataka. The powerful Janardhana Reddy, Srinivas Reddy and others were booked under penal provisions for criminal conspiracy, cheating and under various sections of mining and forests acts
CBI Joint Director V.V. Lakshminarayana, who led a team of officers who arrested the accused in Bellary, told reporters that they were held on the basis of evidence gathered by the agency. "We will interrogate and collect more evidence," he said, when asked if the CBI would arrest more accused. The arrests were made in connection with a case registered by the CBI against OMC in 2009 for illegal mining in the forest area of Andhra Pradesh bordering Karnataka. The powerful Janardhana Reddy, Srinivas Reddy and others were booked under penal provisions for criminal conspiracy, cheating and under various sections of mining and forests acts
Prof. John Kurakar.
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