The Kudumbasree mission has launched a novel vegetable farming scheme, Haritasree, in the Pathanamthitta district by engaging its self help groups in all the 54 grama panchayats and three municipalities with a view to making the district self sufficient in vegetable production during the ensuing Onam festival.
The objective of the venture was to produce adequate vegetables to meet the increased demand during the Onam festival. The project was being implemented in association with various panchayat Committees and Krishi Bhavans in the respective Krishi Bhavans in various Panchayats. Haritasree project was being implemented as collective farming by groups attached to various Kudumbasree units in the districts. As many as 1,47,000 kudumbasree workers were engaged in the new vegetable farming programme. Apart from collective farming, the mission volunteers have also launched house hold cultivation of vegetables for the Onam festival.
Rs 46.78,198 had already been allotted to various joint liability groups to wards area incentives and crop incentive.Mr Murukesan, Kudumbasree district co-ordinator said the mission promoted organic farming in vegetable cultivation
Prof. John Kurakar
The Kudumbasree mission has launched a novel vegetable farming scheme, Haritasree, in the Pathanamthitta district by engaging its self help groups in all the 54 grama panchayats and three municipalities with a view to making the district self sufficient in vegetable production during the ensuing Onam festival.
The objective of the venture was to produce adequate vegetables to meet the increased demand during the Onam festival. The project was being implemented in association with various panchayat Committees and Krishi Bhavans in the respective Krishi Bhavans in various Panchayats. Haritasree project was being implemented as collective farming by groups attached to various Kudumbasree units in the districts. As many as 1,47,000 kudumbasree workers were engaged in the new vegetable farming programme. Apart from collective farming, the mission volunteers have also launched house hold cultivation of vegetables for the Onam festival.
Rs 46.78,198 had already been allotted to various joint liability groups to wards area incentives and crop incentive.Mr Murukesan, Kudumbasree district co-ordinator said the mission promoted organic farming in vegetable cultivation
Prof. John Kurakar
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