The procession, to the accompaniment of the Padayani percussion of Thappu and the rhythmic padayani songs, and lit up by indigenous torches (Chootu-katte) made of dry coconut fronds, began from Kadammanitta junction and concluded on the temple premises at mid night.

Legend has it that Goddess to meet Lord Siva in her fiercest form after staging the demon Darika. On the advice of Lord Subramaniaya,Lord Siva sent various Kolams' to great Goddess Kali to douse her anger and pacify her. Kali laughed at the sight of the Bhairavi Kolam and she was no longer angry. The Padayani festival,held as part of the annual Pathamudaya Mahosavom at he temple,will conclude with pakal Padayani on Saturday.
Prof. John Kurakar
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