
Saturday, April 23, 2011


                                                                  GOOD FRIDAY-2011

  Good Friday,marking the judgement,betrayal, passion, crucifixion,death and burial of Jesus Christ was observed in the state by Christians with fasting and prayers.
  There were big gatherings of the faithful in all churches and most of them were in mourning attaire. The main message of the Good Friday sermon delivered at churches was forgiveness. The way of the cross ritual was one of the highlights of the Good Friday observance. Believers who assembled for the  special services held at various churches in the state prayed for redemption of humanity from sin. The faithful spent the day fasting and praying,in honour of Christs sacrifice on the cross for the humanity.
  Houndreads of devotees, carrying wooden crosses took part in the processions enacting the passion of Jesus Christ.  Good Friday was observed at Ayppalloor Salem Orthodox church near Kottarakara.

                                                                                               Prof. John Kurakar

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