
Friday, April 29, 2011



    The farmer of  Mr Narasimhaih in Doddaballapur taluk in Hubli is  a famous man. A 300-year-old Jack fruit tree that stands majestically there. The taste of the fruit is so famous in the state that it brings people from far during the harvest season. Mr Narasimhaiah is a happy farmer for the tree bears nearly 300 fruits annually, which he sells for Rs 20,000-Rs30,000.Many farmers in Banglore region are selling their fruits for a premium price today as they are considered the best in terms of taste, colour and appearance.
   Today people book orders through phone for reserving the fruits. Several Jack fruit growers are able to get some money from their trees through a project called DBT- Rural Bio-resource complex project started by the Bangalore University." Realizing the potential of the fruit and the need to exploit it beneficially the university advised Mr Narasimhaiah to maintain the tree properly and also raise seedlings from the mother tree for the project. Jack fruit farmers are quite happy as the tree generates some income at a very minimal cost. The university, in a bid to encourage many people to take up this particular variety of Jack fruit cultivation, started selling the seedlings at the annual Krishi melas, specially arranged Jack fruit exhibitions, and other functions.
   the demand for the regions Jack fruit and seedlings is increasing every year. Even though this fruit is totally organic in nature, more than 50 percent of the produce goes as waste nation wide particularly in Kerala every year due to lack of awareness  among consumers.
    A number of value added products can be prepared from the jack fuit tree. The leaves are excellent fodder for animals. Its wood is very useful in the manufacture of quality Furniture,Musical instruments etc.Its latex is useful in Ayurveda  preparations.  more details: Mr K. Narasimhaiah,Kachahalli village ,Tubagerehobli, Doddaballapur taluk,Bangalore 0991661666, 09845774509 

Prof.John Kurakar

1 comment:

Jackfruit Recipes said...

I wonder what cultivar this jackfruit tree is? The majority of jackfruit trees I am aware of, are expected to live for 50-100 years at the most.