
Monday, April 18, 2011


How to celebrate the
 World Heritage Day:
Prof. John Kurakar & a Korian Leader

1-Visits to monuments and sites, and restoration works, possibly with free admission
2-Articles in newspapers and magazines, as well as television and radio broadcasts
3-Hanging banners in town squares or principal traffic arteries calling attention to the day    and the preservation of cultural heritage
4-Inviting local and foreign experts and personalities for conferences and interviews
5-Organising discussions in cultural-centres, city halls, and other public spaces
6-Exhibitions (photos, paintings, etc)
7-Publication of books, post-cards, stamps, posters
8-Awarding prizes to organisations or persons who have made an outstanding contribution to the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage or produced an excellent publication on the subject.
9-Inaugurate a recently restored monument
10-Special awareness raising activities amongst school children and youth
11-Promotion of “twinning” opportunities between organizations, defining areas for co-     operation; exchange of speakers; organisation of meetings and seminars, or the editing of joint publications.

Prof. John Kurakar

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