
Saturday, January 15, 2011


   The Kerala State Transport authorities are aiming to make Kerala an accident free state by 2020.Mr T.P Sen Kumar, Transport Commissioner inaugurated the states first Electronic Visual Aid Centre (EAVC) at the Mavalikara Mini Sation on Wednesday 12th January,2011. Mr Sen Kumar said enforcing traffic rules, which were being violated by 98 percent of the public. The only way out there fore was  to create awarness, a huge task given the fact than even highly educated people were illiterate when it came to road safety rules.
    One of the first attempts of the R&D teams was the EVAC at the Mavalikara Mini Civil station. Visuals of accidents, explanations of how such accidents occur and how each person can do his or her bit to avoid accidents and detail of the various traffic rules are part of EVAC's broadcasting schedule. The EVAC concept will gradually be extended to all civil stations and RTO offices across the state. The state Bank of Travancore which financed the first EVAC,had assured help for the rest of project as well.


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