
Wednesday, January 12, 2011



At least 70 people were killed and 35 injured when an Iranian Boeing 727 passenger plane crashed in bad weather in north western Iran on sunday 9th January, 2011. In the plane total 106 people, 12 crew members and 94 passengers, some officials said crashed just befoe landing at the airport in the city of Urmiyeh,located about 1000 km( 625miles) north west of the capital ina mountainous area near the border with Turkey. Rescue operations were being hampered by snow and fog.
          The last major air crash in Iran was inJuly 2009 when a Caspian Air lines for Armenia caught fire in mid-air and crashed in to farmland near the city of Quzvin killing all 168 people on board.
          One of the country's worst air accidents happened in February 2003 when an Iranian llyushin-76 troop carrier crashed in south east Iran, killing all 276 Revolutionary Guard soldiers and crew aboard


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