
Wednesday, January 5, 2011


   More than 100 Asian activists, they are part of an Asian aid convoy,which started on December2,2010 from Rajghat in New Delhi and traveled by road to Syria, after crossing Pakistan,Iran and Turkey. Around 170 human rights activists from 18 Asian countries  were part of this humanitarian task force.
    Egyptain authorities allowed entry to only after denying visas to Iranian and Jordanian delegates. A statement from the India-based New Trade Union Initiative (NTUI). One of the main organizers of the aid mission. Asial has the Turkish Foundation of Humanitarian Relief among the organizers.
Asial mission is a response to the tight blockade that Israel has imposed on Gaza strip since June 2006, after Palestinian groups captured  an Israeli Solider, Gilad Shalit. In Gaza, general secreatary of the NTUI said on Monday 3rs January, 2011, Asian unity would be the first major step leading to the Liberation of Palestine

Prof.John Kurakar.

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