
Monday, January 17, 2011


Ashok chavan
Adarsh building
     A strong stand against the construction of the 31 stored Adarsh Co operative Housing Society building in Mumbai. the Ministry of Environment and Forests on Sunday 16th January,2011 ordered its demolition saying it had no authorization and clearance.The entire structure had to removed as it was unauthorized and no clearance what so ever under the coastal Regulation Zone(CRZ) notification,1991 was obtained, said a ministry order.
   The building would have to be torn down with in three months, failing with the ministry would be constrained to under take action in this regard, the order said. the ministry had granted three extensions to the society to respond to its November 12,2010 show cause notice.
      The Minister said that "no person shall be convicted of any offense except for violation of a law in force at the time of the commission of the act charged as an offense.
      The 31 storey building could not have constructed in violation of various laws with out the help of many powerful people. Since the construction is over, the best option for the center is to take over the housing complex and utlise it for some constructive purposes. Crores of rupees of public money will lost for this building.It is  sad that the building has to be demolished
   Environmentalist Medha Patkar has welcomed the order of the ministry of Environment and Forests do demolish the controversial 31 storey Adarsh society.Medhapatkar told tht the order indicated the victory of people's movement

Prof.John Kurakar

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