
Sunday, October 17, 2010



The rescue of the 33 miners trapped in the sanjose mine,Chile,has brought immense joy and relief to the whole world.One of the worst mine accidents in the world’s history has become one of the best executed rescue efforts ever mounted in the mine idustry across the world. The willpower and determination of the trapped miners,the chilean governments resolve to mount the rescue at any cost,and the prayers of near and dear ones are something to be admired.Chile deserves praise.The rescue process involved meticulous planning-drilling through hard rock, using space technology,examining the medical parameters and the psychology of the miners isolated for long under extreme conditions,and so on.
Chile’s success story should serve as a lesson in crisis management.The spirit of he miners was evident when they sent fellow workers to rescue with cheers.The best of humanity and brotherhood was there for all see.Chile caught the whole world’s attention when it rescued all 33 miners trapped under a half-mile of rock for over 60 days. The rescue team deserves all praise and commendation for its extraordinary courages and fortitude.
The rescue of 33 miners trapped under half mile of rock in the San jose mine,chile,is the epic story of hope in which the lives of a few became an inspiration for the hopeless around world. I wish every nation learns from Chile. It disturbs our conscience when we see so many deaths caused by hunger, floods, drought and crimes as many of them are avoidable. Chile has spent millions of dollars to gave the miners.The tremendous efforts taken by the Chilean government with the aid of other agencies in liberating the 33 trapped miners. Chilean president Sebastian Pinera will be remembered as the quintessential peoples representatives.
The Chilean rescue operation saw humanity at its best. The finest act of unselfishness, bravery and brotherhood. The government of Chile and NASA should be congratulated on their continuous and bold efforts.
Our leaders have to learn a lot from the Chilean government and president.Let us alute the entire rescue team and people of chile.The concerted effort of the chilean government involving geologists, scientists from NASA and psychologists, among others, in the colossal rescue effort surely deserves to be applauded.
The technology and professional expertise that helped these people surface. The Chilean governments efforts is also a path- breaker in disaster management. Credit and gratitude should go in ample measure to the rescue personnel for showing ingenuity and skill in making the best use of modern technology and the great dedication behind this attempt. The world is thrilled at the rescue effort. Congratulations to the rescue team and the Chilean government.
Prof.John Kurakar

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