
Friday, October 29, 2010



The week long annual festival at the famous St. Pauls and St. Peter’s church at Parumala, popularly known as Parumala church, began with a kodiyettu ceremony on Tuesday 226th October,2010.
The annual pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Gregorios the first Indian canonized saint-at the Parumala church also began on Tuesday. The catholicos-designate inaugurated the pilgrim week celebrations at a public meeting held on the parumala seminary premises.
Mar Policarpus inaugurated the 144 hour long prayer, organized by Malankara Orthodox Christian Youth Movement at the church auditorium at 5 p.m.
Panakkad Syned Hyderali Shihab Thangal will inaugurate a felicitation meet in connection with the Navathy celebration of the Catholicos of the East, Moran Mor Baselios Marthoma Didymus-I on October29.
The Holy Trimass, to be held at 7.30 am on October 31 and November I. Pilgrimage processions coming from different parts of the state will be accorded a rousing reception on the seminary premises on October.
The 108th feast of St.Gregorios will be celebrated on October 31.Geevarghese Mar Coorilos Metropolitan will inaugurate the Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Students Movement on 2nd November,2010. The festival will come to close with the customary holy raasa.
Prof. John Kurakar

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