
Thursday, October 24, 2013


If you are fascinated by butterflies, you can elect your favourite species as Mumbai’s butterfly.   The  BNHS Conservation Education Centre (CEC) has organized an event to vote and elect "Mumbai's Butterly" so as to promote watching and conservation of butterflies in the city. The BNHS would be organizing a workshop, "Breakfast with Butterflies" on Sunday October 27 where enthusiasts can choose the most fascinating butterfly and vote for it. 
Those who prefer the click of the mouse to attending the event can also take their pick on the Facebook page, The enthusiasts can choose from five shortlisted species- plain tiger, common crow, common mormon, common emigrant and tailed jay, found in the city. Mumbai, despite its urban landscape has 150 species of butterflies and is ahead of cities like Behgaluru (140 species), Pune (120 species) and Delhi (90) species. BNHS said that the largest butterfly found in Mumbai is the Blue Mormon which measures upto 15cms and visits the city during monsoons. The smallest butterfly found if the Grass Jewel which is only 2.2cms.

Prof. John Kurakar

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