
Saturday, December 22, 2012


Dear Friend,
Last Thursday, URI Youth Trainer Irfan Ali met with 500 university students in Rawalpindi, Pakistan to talk about peace.
Just 22 days earlier, a suicide bomb attack in their city had killed 12 people and injured 36.  The students listened intently as Irfan Ali described URI and the values of cooperation, respect and compassion it represents.
URI is doing around the world what we can do here,” Irfan Ali said.
In the last three weeks, we’ve shared with you the story of Irfan Ali’s dedication and his efforts to reach the young people who might otherwise be targeted by violent extremists.  Your donation will help us expand our youth leadership programs.
We’ve shown you how different CCs in Africa, URI’s fastest-growing region, came together to clean streets, plant trees and spread hope in the settlement of Kibera, Kenya.  Your donation will help us fight poverty and protect the environment.
We’ve taken you to Europe, where URI’s workshop on Overcoming Religious Prejudice is helping to guide those confronting hate speech.  Your donation will help launch our campaign against prejudice.
Next week, we’ll introduce you to the women of Gujurat, India’s Roshini Cooperation Circle, whose patience, compassion and love convinced a neighbor to leave a violent extremist group.  Your donation will help us create a new Women’s Initiative in 2013.
Please make a gift today so that URI's work can continue to change our world. 
The Rev. Charles P. Gibbs                                              Prof. John Kurakar,President,
                                                                                        Kerala Kavya Kala Sahithy C.C
Executive Director

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