Hello why you are inserting so many personal pictures here?? Are they related with you? I don't think so. we readers are not interested to watch personal pics here. These are really annoying. The most funny thing is that, these pictures are 100% personal and why you are sharing here. First you started with inserting some scenery. Then inserting personal pics? What will be next???
Sorry if I hurt you. Kindly try to add public news rather than personal pics..
Hello why you are inserting so many personal pictures here?? Are they related with you? I don't think so. we readers are not interested to watch personal pics here. These are really annoying. The most funny thing is that, these pictures are 100% personal and why you are sharing here. First you started with inserting some scenery. Then inserting personal pics? What will be next???
Sorry if I hurt you. Kindly try to add public news rather than personal pics..
Dear Unni,
Thank you for comment. You please ignore my personal photos. Jose Varghese is my relative. I will post public news and articles.
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