
Friday, August 31, 2012


Kummattikali  is the famous colorful mask-dance  Kerala,South Malabar  in particular. During the festival of  Onam, Kummattikali performers move from house to house collecting small gifts and entertaining people. Kummatti dances are rampant in the Thirissur district   during Onam. Pristine or original form of Kummattikali can be seen in the Bhadrakali temple in Palghat district .
The dancers go dancing from house to house. The major Kummatti character is Thalla or Witch while others represent the various deities of the Vedic pantheon. Songs are basically devotional & are normally accompanied by a bow like instrument called Ona-villu. Spectators generally join in the performance as no training is required in this Art.  'Kummattikali' is one of the famous folk dances associated with temples. This mask dance is associated with the Devi temples in Palghat district and is a secular art form. Kummatti dancers wear brightly painted wooden masks and don a costume made of leaves and grass. They go from house to house, singing and dancing, during the Onam festival.The costumes are a most interesting facet of KummattikaliThe dancers don a heavily painted colourful wooden mask depicting faces of  Krishna,Narada,Kiratha ,Darika or hunters. These masks are usually made out of  saprophyte, jack fruit tree, Alstonia scholaris, Hog Plum tree or the Coral tree
The dancers wear skirts woven out of plaited grass. Some cover their whole body with bunches of grass for a more bushy appearance. The semblance is made more joyful with the 'talla' attached externally to the mask giving the appearance of a toothless open mouth. Dancers also hold and manipulate long sticks of residuary agricultural produce called 'Kummattikali': it is from this that the dance derives its name. Their dance is related to  Shaivamyth. 'Thamma' (an old woman) walks in front with the help of a stick. Thamma is symbolic of mother of every being and everything. Kummatti dancers are a sight to watch as they move around from house to house collecting jaggery, rice, or small amounts of cash. Onlookers, specially children take great delight in their performance.
The rhythm for the dance movements is provided by vibrating the string of a bow like instrument called an  Onavillu.  Areca nut wood is used to make the bow and the strings are beaten with a narrow bamboo stick.The themes of Kummattikali are mostly taken from the stories of Ramayana, Darika Vadham, the story of Shiva and folk tales like Manjan Nayare Pattu. It may be noted that folk art of Kerala can be classified into two broad categories - ritualistic and non-ritualistic. Ritualistic can be further divided into - Devotional, performed to please a particular god and goddess and Magical Art Forms. The Kummatti characters begin to dance in accordance with the sound produced by the thin strains of ’villu’, which is a typical Kerala instrument. The leader of the group is called ’Thallakkummatti’ and holds a baton known as Kummattikkol in hand. 
                                                                     Prof. John Kurakar

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