
Wednesday, December 28, 2011



Ariyan Rajamannan, 29, the traditional king of the Mannan tribe representing 42 kudies (settlements) in the district died of a heart attack early on Wednesday28th December,2011, ending his four years' career as the ruling king over the kudies who wielded high powers. His body will be buried in the traditional manner after a full night `kuthu' (traditional dance) and rendering of traditional prayers on Thursday afternoon. Before the burial, a new king will be selected in a meeting by all the Kanis (tribal chieftains in each kudies). Elaya Raja, Chakkan Balan, who is also a ward member in the Kanchiyar grama panchayat, said that the tribe usually follow the matriarchal system in selecting the new King. However, since there is no senior member in the traditional system, the Kanies may opt for another member representing the family.
Kovilmala is the traditional headquarters of the tribe and the King is traditionally selected for his life span. There are also ministers to assist the King in taking decisions and in the case of major decisions all the Kanies from the kudies are convened to Kovilmala. The tribe, believed to have migrated to Idukki forest during the time of Chera-Chola war from the present Tamil Nadu. The tribe has not much deviated from the traditional customs, though their life style has changed with the passage of time. The main kudies are spread over in Kumily, Adimaly, Maniyarankudy, Vathikudy, Anjuruli and Kattappana. Mannan is one of the major tribe in the district and the Kanies with the followers from each kudies are expected to reach Kovilmala by Wednesday night. Ariyan Rajamannan was the youngest King and he was ‘throned', after the death of Thevan Rajamannan. Rajappan, a tribal minister said that the funeral rite will be held in the traditional manner and the Kanies and the tribal priests will lead it. A week's mourning will be observed in all the Kudies. It is believed that the Mannans are the only other tribe after the one in Tripura following the traditional year-old custom of selecting the king who rules over the entire kudies. 

                                                                      Prof. John Kurakar

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