
Thursday, November 10, 2011


Condemning the killing of three Hindus in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province, the United States has demanded that the perpetrators be brought to justice. “We have seen the reports of these murders. We understand that an investigation is underway and we look forward to seeing the perpetrators brought to justice,” the State Department said in a statement. Three Hindus, including a doctor, were killed near Shikarpur town in Sindh province on Monday, 7th, November, 2011.. Responding to questions about the killing of the three Hindus, the State Department slammed the targeting of religious, ethnic and other minorities.
“We condemn all violence directed at religious, ethnic and other minorities. We call attention to the issue of sectarian violence in the Human Rights Report and the International Religious Freedom Report, issued annually by the Department of State,” it said. Since the funeral of the three Hindus killed allegedly by the Muslim Bhayo community, the Hindus have been observing an indefinite strike in many parts of the province. The community members closed down their businesses in protest and announced an indefinite strike till those responsible for the killing are brought to book. President Asif Ali Zardari has ordered an inquiry into the incident.
The “brazen murder” of three Hindu brothers in Sindh province on Eid-ul-Azha demonstrates that perpetrators believe they can get away with the killing simply because the victims are non-Muslim, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has said. The murder of the three brothers, all doctors, has caused concern among the minority Hindu community. A statement issued by HRCP chairperson Zohra Yusuf said: “HRCP is shocked at the brazen murder of the three Hindu citizens in Shikarpur and shares the sense of outrage with the Hindu community, not least because of the utter failure of the police to prevent killings or arrest killers even though threats of violence had been brought to their notice.”
The statement noted that the Hindu community in Shikarpur had “received anonymous calls threatening them of serious consequences” after a reported dispute with a local Muslim tribe three weeks earlier. The Hindus had subsequently sought protection from police. “It is alarming that the three men were slain no more than a few meters away from the local police station. The Hindu community has also expressed concern that law enforcement personnel tend to support criminals rather than victims when their community is targeted,” the HRCP said. 
                                                                           Prof. John Kurakar

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