
Tuesday, November 22, 2011



At present, throughout the world Ornamental fisheries is having a global trade rcognition and is in an increasing trend. There exists immense potential of the state of Meghalaya in general, and East Khasi Khasi Hills in particular.  It brings out an array of the area’s indigenous fishes in to the trade. The district of East Khasi Hills Districtis blessed with a large numbers of water bodies in the form of streams, riverulets, rivers, etc. These water bodies homes to a number of fish indigenous species. Some of which are of ornamental value and others can be promoted for the same. Danio aequipinnatus (Gaint Danio), Danio rerio (Zebra Danio), Puntius picot, Nemacheilus spp. Garra lyssorynchus, etc. are some of a few examples found in the districts. In fact the rivers in the southern parts are having variety of species.  The technologies of breeding different varieties of ornamental fishes should be encouraged both in rural and urban areas. Ornamental fishes are kept in aquarium.
Ornamental fish culture is fast emerging as a major branch of aquaculture globally. Aquarium keeping is the second largest hobby in the world next to photography and the ornamental fish and aquatic plant industry is fast gaining importance due to its tremendous economic opportunities and prospects. The world ornamental fish trade is to the tune of US$6 billion. In India,  it showed and increase from million US$ in 1969 to 0.18 million US$ in 1990. The growth of ornamental fish trade in India is very much encouraging. Most of the ornamental fishes cultured and marketed in India are exotic species. Our country has a rich and unique biodiversity with a variety of indigenous ornamental fishes. But this resource has not been properly exploited. The Western Ghats of India is a gold mine of tropical ornamental fishes and it is one of the 25 “hotspot” areas of the world. It exhibits exceptional mega biodiversity and high degree of endemism with respect to fresh water fishes. The potential of streams and rivers of the Western Ghats as a rich source of the ornamental fishes is yet to be recognized.
About 80% of ornamental fishes are from fresh waters and the rest from brackish and marine waters. While most of the ornamental species are warm water tropical except some eurythermal carps like gold fish koi are cold temperate in origin and now having a world wide distribution. (0% of the fresh water ornamental species are farmed and wild species through capture are only 10%. In case of marine and brackish water species reverse is the case.
Kerala with its highly conducive climatic conditions provides scope for the development of ornamental fisheries. This sector assumes special significance due to its huge potential in providing employment to the people hailing especially from rural sector and as a foreign exchange earner. The low production cost and higher returns with in a very short time, growing demand for fishes both from domestic and international market are the major attractions of this sector when compared to any other sector. It is estimated that 163 ornamental fish trade units are functioning in the state. The state has rich resources of indigenous ornamental fish in various river systems that have the potential to earn income to the state. In Kerala out of 21 of 44 rivers surveyed in 2005, 142 species were reported, out of which 72 (51%) are considered as possible ornamentals. Among these fishes a few like puntius denisonii are very valuable in the international market.
OFFA(Ornamental Fish Farmers Association), Kerala is an organization dedicated for the development of ornamental fish industry in India by giving guideline and latest information to farmers, helping in production and marketing. Conducting frequent training programmes to the new comers, arranging live stock as and when required, etc are some of the major activities of OFFA.
In order to make ornamental fisheries an export oriented industry, OFFA is being assisted for ornamental fish breeding and export by Matsyafed, FIRMS and MPEDA. The ornamental fish trade is promoted by the State Government where in OFFA actively participate in all the international Aquashows and seminars on biannual basis ensuring participation of scientists, administrators, breeders, traders and entrepreneurs even from foreign countries.
Indian ornamental fishes with their brilliant   colours and unique features need no introduction to the  World market. The fresh water and the brackish water bodies  and the seas abound the Indian sub continent abound in  attractive varities of fish which are dearer to the hobbyists the world over. India exports over three hundred varieties of fresh water fishes today.The tropical ornamental fishes from north eastern and southern privinces of India are in great demand in the hobbyists market . Export of marine ornamental fish is yet to take off from india. Prominent among the fresh water Indian Ornamentals them are Loaches, Eels,barbs,catfish,Goby etc..
India also exports tank raised varieties of fishes such as gold fish, Mollies, Guppies, platties, Sword tails,Tetra, Angel,Gourami, African Cichlids and fighters . Different colurs with various patterns of fishes are the hall  mark of these varities. A few varieties  of fishes that are being exported are given below.
Scientific names  of Ornamental Fishes

                                                        Prof. John Kurakar

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