The additional district court has ordered Deshabhimani daily to pay Rs 1.10 lakh to chief minister Oommen Chandy in a defamation case. The money should be paid by the former Deshabhimani printer and publisher P Karunakaran and the then chief editor VS Achuthanandan.
The case related to a news which appeared in the paper on December 2001 titled `Kozhikkozhayil Oommen Chandyude Panku' (Chandy's role in Poultry scam). Oommen Chandy had filed a defamatory case in the Thiruvananthapuram sub court by making P Karunakaran, V S Achuthanandan, Pinarayi Vijayan and members of Poultry Growers Association Shaji Mullakkari and Punoose Jacob, who had held a press conference on the same.
In 2007, the sub court asked all of them to pay compensation to Chandy. All of them filed an appeal in the district court to avoid them and the court accepted the plea of Pinarayi and the Growers association. The court asked the other two accused to pay the compensation
The case related to a news which appeared in the paper on December 2001 titled `Kozhikkozhayil Oommen Chandyude Panku' (Chandy's role in Poultry scam). Oommen Chandy had filed a defamatory case in the Thiruvananthapuram sub court by making P Karunakaran, V S Achuthanandan, Pinarayi Vijayan and members of Poultry Growers Association Shaji Mullakkari and Punoose Jacob, who had held a press conference on the same.
In 2007, the sub court asked all of them to pay compensation to Chandy. All of them filed an appeal in the district court to avoid them and the court accepted the plea of Pinarayi and the Growers association. The court asked the other two accused to pay the compensation
Prof. John Kurakar
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