Back at St Mary's in 1918, Fleming continued his work on bacteria. It was there in 1928 that he made his greatest discovery.In 1928, Fleming was working on the staphylococci bacteria - the kind that cause boils and sore throats, when, whilst he was examining some old bacterial plates that he noticed a mould had grown on one of his cultures. He saw what he believed was unusual in that some of the colonies of staphylococci that should have been growing near the mould had disappeared. Fleming thought that the mould could be making something that was capable of destroying the bacteria. He did some more experiments and found that this was indeed the case. He cultured the mould by growing it in broth. The mould was later identified as Penicillium notatum which had produced what we now call penicillin.
After making his discovery, Alexander Fleming published his work in 1929 and strange to say, did not continue this research, partly because it was difficult to make and store. He was convinced that it would be able to save many lives and when asked he sent samples to world-wide laboratories.At Oxford University, in 1938, Professor Howard Florey and Dr Ernst Chain were studying the effects of substances produced by living things on bacteria which try to harm them. They read the work on penicillin by Alexander Fleming from some ten years before and decided to replicate his experiments. They encountered the same problems as Fleming when it came to preserving and storing penicillin.During the Second World War (1939-1945), there was an urgent need for drugs to deal with infected wounds and other diseases and so Florey went to the United States of America to work with other scientists at the Northern Regional Research Centre, Illinois. They discovered a cheap source of broth in 1942 and then found a fast growing penicillin mould on melons which were in a local supermarket.
Pure penicillin was eventually manufactured commercially. Penicillin became a wonderful weapon in the fight against diseases once considered deadly. Its discovery led to the development of other similar antibiotics.Alexander Fleming was knighted in 1944. In 1945, Fleming, Florey and Chain were awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine. Alexander Fleming died on 11th March 1955. He is buried in St Paul's Cathedral.

Finally in the late 1930s, other scientists found a way to mass-produce penicillin. British and American drug companies began to manufacture the drug in large quantites. It was then used to cure many infections during World War II. In 1945, Fleming was presented the Nobel Prize for Medicine. He humbly said, "Nature makes penicillin; I just found it." Fleming spent the rest of his career at St. Mary's Hospital until his death in 1955 of a sudden heart attack. Fleming was married twice and had one son.
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