
Thursday, September 29, 2011


                                           HEART DAY- 29 TH SEPTEMBER

 Diabetics often suffer from the worst kind of heart problems and hence need to be doubly cautious about not just their sugar levels but also their heart health. People with controlled sugar levels are the most likely to develop cardiovascular diseases. Generaly, diabetics tend to get hungry very often and most often resort to taking sweets.Once a person is diagnosed with diabetes, they should take there medication deligently,follow a stringent diet and must keep their sugar levels un
World Heart Day has spread awareness aimed at reducing the number of deaths caused due to heart diseases globally. It highlights the fact that 80 percent of premature deaths due to heart diseases can be prevented if the main risk factors tobacco,lack of adequate physical activity and unhealthy food habits, are kept in check.
   This year, world Heart Day zooms in on where it all begins- your home placing the onus on all individuals to control not just their risk of heart diseases, but also all members of their family it  advocates the adoption of a holistic, healthy life
   In a family where a male member less than 55 years of age and a female member les than 65 years of age have had a heart attack. The siblings and children are  at a high risk of developing a heart condition. Such people must necessarly take preventive measures." According to the world Heart Federation,more than 17.1 million lives are lost each year globally to stroke and heart disease,making at the singlelargest life threatening disease.
 Among the nine conventional risk faction four are lifestyle related and five are metabolism related. 40 percent of smokers are most likely to get a heart attack, closely followed by those with high cholestrol levels. Genetically, several studies have revealed that Indians are pre  disposed towards higher triglyceride levels.
der control with adequate physical activity. Another worrying report fromk the WHO shows that the mortality rates for coronary Artery Disease in India is set to rise by 100 percent, while it will reduce in countries like Japan,USA, Finland and Canada by 2015.
  Once contracted heart disease can only be controlled. Never fully cured. There for the key lies in making your home heart healthy,acknowledging your risk facors and integrating precautionary measures in to your daily routine, for the disease no longer respects age and class. Diabetes,high blood pressure & dyslipemia are referred so as they cause Heart Attacks.No one can detect changes in their blood presure. A person may be entively asymptomatic even if his Blood presure is as high as 220/100mn Hg(Normal Blood pressure must be 140/90 mnHG) This under scores the importance of medical check ups. Every one above 40 years of age must have a medical check up at least every couple of years if not have a cardiac illness. Lifestyle modification goes a long way in the treatment of these diseases.  Diet plays on important role in the control of these risk factors like diabetes, hypertension & High cholestrol.
   The Heart is a pump. When that pump becomes weak,it is not able to pump enough blood and provide nutrition to various organs of the human body. This condition is commonly referred to as heart failure. 
the incidence of heart failure is increasingly by the day in the developing countries despite advances in health care. High BP is a common cause of heart failure if left untreated Early detection and prompt treatment are needed. Do not ignore symptoms like breathlessness and undue fatigue. Daiabetics can have heart failure due to associated coronary artery due to associated coronary artery diease( Block in arteries supplying the heart muscle or due to weakening of heart muscle, or both Good control of blood sugar levels is essential.

                                                                   Prof. John Kurakar

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