Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has resigned as head of the vigilance department and minister Thiruvanchur Radhakrishnan has been given the charge. On Monday, 8th, August,2011, the vigilance court issued an order to continue probe against Chandy in the palmoil case and the opposition had demanded Chandy to quit the post. The decision was taken after having consultations with the allies in the party. At 2 pm Tuesday, CM wil hold talks with Ramesh Chennithala and UDF convener PP Thankachan. At first it was decided to give the charge to Aryadan Muhammad but it is learnt that Arydan refused to take over. CM told mediapersons that he has great respect for the judiciary.
After the court verdict on Monday, Chandy expressed his willingness to quit as CM. The party leadership and high command had wanted him to continue. Vigilance court ordered a probe to ascertain if Chandy had any role in the 1992 palmolein oil import deal as the then Finance Minister in the K Karunakaran government. Passing the order, Special Vigilance Judge S Jagadeesh, rejected the report filed by investigators in April last stating there was no need for further probe to add any more person to the list of the accused. The judge asked the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau to submit the probe report within three months.
After the court verdict on Monday, Chandy expressed his willingness to quit as CM. The party leadership and high command had wanted him to continue. Vigilance court ordered a probe to ascertain if Chandy had any role in the 1992 palmolein oil import deal as the then Finance Minister in the K Karunakaran government. Passing the order, Special Vigilance Judge S Jagadeesh, rejected the report filed by investigators in April last stating there was no need for further probe to add any more person to the list of the accused. The judge asked the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau to submit the probe report within three months.
Prof. John Kurakar
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