An animation film for children on the life and philosphies of Gandhiji, "My dear Bapuji" will be released by chief Minister Oommen Chandi on Friday, 8th July,2011. An initiative of Kerala University's center for Gandhian studies, this film is claimed to be the first animated movie to made on the Father of the Nation.

the story:- Three children happen to stumble upon a genic.But unlike the genies in story books who benevolently grant all wishes, this particular genie promises to give the children to gift of knowledge. The genic tells the children that their success in life depends on the knowledge they acquire.

The children then ask the genic to tell them about Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the nation. The genie decides to assume the figures of their favourite teacher, Meena, and tells them about the story of Gandhijis life.

The film skims across the years from Gandhiji's birth to the day he breathed his last and focuses more events which have shaped the nation and which are relevant to the new generation.
While revealing the story of Gandhiji's life and his role in spear heading the nations freedom movement, the film also attempts to delve deep in to the values that Gandhiji held stead fast all his life.
The children are told about Gandhijis honosty,how he embraced a path of non-violence even when leading agitations and his secular out look and philosophies. The film throws light on the esence of Gandhian values and also tries to create an awareness in them about the relevance of these values for all times. The 45 minute film has been produced by Ratheesh Pazhaya veettil. It has been directed by A.K Saiber
Prof. John Kurakar
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