Telangana issue
With lawmakers raising the pitch for a separate Telangana, Centre on Wednesday ,6th,July,2011,said consultations were on and hoped the process would help it reach a final decision even as it ruled out suggestions of President’s Rule in Andhra Pradesh.“The status as of today is consultation process is still continuing. No decision has been taken yet,” Home Minister P. Chidambaram told reporters here when asked about the demand for a separate Telangana state He ruled out suggestions of imposition of President’s Rule in Andhra Pradesh, where over 100 legislators have submitted their resignations to press for their demand for a separate Telengana state.“We are not thinking of President’s Rule....We hope that the process of consultations will show us the path to reach a conclusion,” Mr. Chidambaram said.
Expressing unhappiness over the spate of resignations by MLAs and MPs from the region, he said the Centre would engage them in discussions. Mr. Chidambaram said that the Congress general secretary in-charge of party affairs in Andhra Pradesh is already in talks with party MLAs and MPs on the issue.Asked about his meeting with Andhra Pradesh Director General of Police V. Dinesh Reddy, he said the top cop had assumed charge recently and had made a courtesy call on him. Mr. Chidambaram said there was an apprehension that law and order problems would arise as a result of the bandh call.
“That is why we have provided central armed police forces to the state. But I sincerely hope that there will not be a breakdown of law and order,” he said.“I sincerely hope and appeal to everyone, while we understand the provocation for an agitation, we sincerely hope that even those who agitate will not lead to a breakdown of law and order,” the Minister said. The Telangana Political Joint Action Committee has called for the 48-hour bandh to impress upon the Centre the immediate need to carve out a separate state of Telangana, which will be followed by a rail roko on July 8 and 9.
Prof. John Kurakar
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