
Thursday, June 16, 2011


(15th June)

        June 15, 2011, is the 6th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) – an international effort in support of the United Nation’s International Plan of Action on Ageing acknowledging the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue.  The Administration on Aging (AoA) participated in the first international observance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in 2006, hosted by the World Health Organization.  The idea is to put abuse and neglect of older persons in a global spotlight.
    Assistant Secretary for Aging, Kathy Greenlee, will join members of Congress, officials from the Department of Justice, and internationally recognized experts and advocates in the field of elder justice for an Elder Abuse Forum on Capitol Hill today.  The bi-partisan Congressional Victims’ Rights Caucus is hosting the Elder Abuse Forum, one of many events taking place around the world to call attention t World Elder Abuse Awareness Day has been recognized internationally for the last six years.
India has over 90 million elderly persons above the age of 60 years and many of them, silently suffer abuse in the hands of either their daughters-in-law or sons, according to a survey report by Help Age India.

  The study, made public yesterday on the eve of the sixth World Elder Abuse awareness Day, has found that about 41 per cent felt that there has been an increase in the rate of crime  The eve pf World Elder Abuse Day, Helpage India released a study report. The study was conducted in nine cities including Delhi,Mumbai, Kolkata,Bhopal, Chennai,Patna,Hydrabad and Bengaluru  covering 100 elderly persons from each city from various socio-economic strata. It revealed that women faced abused the most due to dependency on their sons, emotionally and financially About 72 percent of those surveyed lived with their sons,mostly in the cities of Hydrabad (84) percent,Mumbai (86percent),Patna( 80 percent) and Delhi(74 percent)

Navathy celebration of Appachan
    The Council of Kurakar Cultural Forum observed World Elder Abuse Awareness Day fraom 10.30 am to 1p.m at Kurakar Tourist Home Executive Hall on 15th June,2011.Prof. John Kurakar, President, Kerala Kavya Kala Sahithy presided .Rev. Fr. Thomas inaugurated the seminar.. Mr Jacob Kurakar, Managing Partner of the Kurakar-Kottak Securities welcomed the gatherings. Mr Bobby Kurakar, Managing Parner, United Publishers, Mr.  Neelaswram Sadasivan, Dr. Raju George, Mr Jaya Prash,Prof. Molly Kurakar, Mr Soloman, Mr Radhakrishnan, Mr Sabu, Mr Varghese, Mr Sam Kurakar, Director, Comrade Info Systems, Mr Kumar, Manager, Kottack Securities, Kollam , Mr. G. Unnunni, Mr Manoharan from Bahrain,Mr.K.K Joy, Advocate Alex Mathew, Advocate Sasankan, Mr M.O Alexander, Mr. Y.S Scaria, Mr Sabu Pylee, were actively participated.

                                                           Prof. John Kurakar

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