
Monday, May 2, 2011


                                                  AFRICAN SNAILS INVADE KONNI

  The worst affected areas are wards 11,12,14,16 and 17 in Konni Panchayat. These creatures creep in to houses to feed on cement and lime as they require large amount of calcium. They also feed on vegetation posing threat to forest environs.
 The snails even creep in to kitchens and rooms. The menace is fast spreading to the adjoining Panchayat. Experts say Snails cannot survive in hot climate, especially above 30 degree centigrade.
  Burrows on trees and rocks are day time hide out of these creatures. Their movement in clusters, riding on each others back, has become a common scene during night in the infested areas.
   They Konni Grama Panchat and the Kudumbasree self-help group had jointly launched a snail eradication campaign in the Panchayat on Thursday. Members of the team sprinkle common salt and spray a liquid mixture of  tobacco, copper sulphate, and salt at their hide outs for mass eradication. The snails killed thus are buried in different localities.
 Villagers said the snails were found porching on giant coconut trees to feed on tender palm leaves . They also feed on tender leaves of papaya, tapioca, banana trees and all sorts of vegetable during night ultimately destroying the farm. The eradication drive would continue, the Panchayat authorities said. It is believed that African Snails had reached Konni along with timber consignments from Malaysia as early as 2005.

                                  Prof. John Kurakar

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