
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


                                                 TO  VOTE IS A DUTY

    All eligible voters should exercise their franchise with out fail. To vote is a duty. Elections are the touch stone of democracy. People should came forward in large numbers to exercise their  franchise. thanks to the election commission, the run up to the Assembly election in Kerala & Tamil Nadu was truly exemplary. The commission took special efforts to prevent the bribing of voters in cash and kind.
    People should understand the value ad power of their vote. they should not sell it for money or freebies. They should vote with out fear or favour, guided only by their conscience. The  largest democracy should be corruption free and serve as a model for other countries.Many people do not exercise their franchises as they eel nothing will charge,no mater which party comes to power. We must remember that the first step to prosperity  and welfare in a  democracy is voting for the right representatives. The  vote is a power ful weapons in people's hands, which they can use to get the government of their choice

                                                                                         Prof. JohnKurakar

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