Each year 127 lakh people discover that they have cancer and of them,76 lakh die. Two-third of these distressing deaths occur in low and middle income countries. The world Health organisation projects that unless immediate action is taken, deaths from cancer will increase by nearly 80 percent by 2030, most of them occurring in low and middle income countries. That translates to nearly 260 lakh newly diagnosed cases and about 170 lakh deaths every year. In fact, cancer kills more people than do AIDS,Malaria and tuberculosis combined.
Research suggests that" one third of cancer deaths can be avoided through prevention and one third through early detection and treatment". The Union for International Cancer Control( UICC) states that the world's cancer burden is rising and, without action,the poorest countries, those currently least equipped to cope will witness the largest increase in mortality by 2015. As per UICC, whose headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland, the number of deaths due to cancer every year is more than the population of the whole of Switzerland.
there are so many known causes acting directly or indirectly on the systems to produce cancer. Many of them are related to life style and avoiding these can prevent or protect against cancer. Measures to prevent cancer include eschewing tobacco, having good dietary a healthy diet, environmental health, prevention of cancer causing infections and limiting alchol intake.
Many people relate tobacco to cardiac and respiratory diseases. But beyond that,smoking is the single biggest cause of cancer in the world.It is responsible for more than 25 percent of all cancer deaths, it kills one person every six seconds.
It also accounts for one in 10 adult deaths and kills more than do lakh people every year. Smoking not only affects the person who smokes but also people around him through second-hand smoke. Children born to mothers who smoke are also affected.
The risk of oral cancer increases 27 fold in men and six fold in women who smoke.Laryngeal cancer is 10 times more common in women. There is an eight to 10 fold increase in oesophageal cancer and 50 percent increase in gastric cancer in tobacco users compared to non-smokers.
It has been noticed that there is a two-fold increase in pancreatic cancer among smoker.If they smoke more than 40 cigarettes a day, there is a five fold increase. The risk increases significantly if the individual has the habit of drinking also.
Diet plays a significant role in the prevention of certain cancers,not necessarily in the Gastro- Intestinal system. A healthy Diet" can prevent many cancers,move so if it is combined with physical activity. Many medical societies fighting cancer recommended the following
1- Be as lean as pssible with out becoming under weight.
2-Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day
3-Avoid sugry drinks.
5Limit consumption of red meat and avoid processed meat
6- Limit consumption of alchol
7-Limit Salty food
8- better to avoid reheated oil for cooking

yes its informative but this photo i can't understand the connection with this news
Thank you for your suggestion, I replaced the image
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