
Monday, January 17, 2011


      Kerala Chief Minister V.S Achuthandan on Friday 14th January,2011 inaugurated the disbursal of enhanced pension and biometric cards to persons afflicted with serious ailments and permanent disabilities, suspected to be caused by the aerial spraying of Endosulfan on the cashew estates of the plantation corporation of Kerala(PCK) in the Kasaragod district. The biometric card will make them eligible to get specialized medical treatment free of cost
   the Chief Minister said" un scientific and prolonged spraying in untold hardship to those living close to the cashew estates and led to mental and physical retardation and a host of genetic deformity among them. The Chief Minister said that the state government had declared a comprehensive package to rehabilitate the victims and enhanced the pension to  Rs 2,000 from 300 for bedridden persons and Rs 1000 for physically and mentally challenged victims. the government,after carying out a detailed survey on the victims health conditions, had decided the mode of treatment with the assistance of expert doctors drawn from various specialty hospitals. the digital bio metric cards will make them eligibele to get medical treatment from various hospitals free of costs.
   On the basis of reports, the government had decided to take stern steps to ban the use of Endosulfan in Palakkad andIdukki districts. The government is planning to organise a comprehensive relief  package, had virtually adopted families.

Prof.John Kurakar

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