Prof. John Kurakar & H.G Yuhanon Mar Thevodorous thirumeni |
Jacob Mathew, Fr. Y.S Geevarghese, Thirumeni, Prof. John Kurakar |
Some demand |
Varghese Kurakar |
Prof. John Kurakar welcoming |
Kurakaran Women's Report-Animon thomas |
Inauguration |
Neelaswaram Sadasivan |
Mr. Thomas Alex |
view of audience |
Family Calendar |
Jacob Mathew kurakaran |
Jacob Kurakar |
The new year celebration and 41th annual get-together of the Kurakaran Family was held at Kurakar City
Center, Ayppalloor on 1st January,2011. The Kalamela began at 10 am. .Prof John Kurakar inaugurated the cultural event. Master Tom Jose andMaster Binto Alex won the award of Mr KurakaranC.O Malakhy Memorial Divya Bodana Endowment.The members of Kurakaran Cultural Forums presented various arts items like group dances,recitation ,elocution, single and group songs, story telling etc. Mr Sam Kurakar, G. Joy, Mr MathewSasthri, Binto Alex, Tom Jose, Athul kurakar, Kumari Sheena M. Thomas, Ajin Kunjumon were participated the various arts programmes.Dr Yuhanon Mar Thevodhorous Metrapolitan of
Kottarakara- Punaloor Diaocise inaugurated the annual function. Kurakaran A.C thomas, president,
Kurakaran Kudumba yogam presided over the function. Rev. Fr Y.S Geevarghese, Sri Neelaswaram Sadasivan, Smt Chinnamma John, President, Kurakaran Women's Association, Mr Thomas George, Secretary Divya Bodan Unit, Sri P.A Alex, president, Divya Bodana Unit, Sri P.MG Kurakaran, Jacob Mathew Kurakaran, Mr Varghese Kurakar, Mr Sam Kurakar, Mr Alexander Kulanjiyil, Mr Jose Pulipura puthen veedu, Mathewp.Babu, Baji Thekkathil, Alex Kurakaranwere spoke on the occasion. The lunch was at 1 pm. The Award function started at 2 pm. Rev. Fr O.Thomas inaugurated the award giving function. More than 50 endowments and awards distributed at the function. W omen's Association awards distributed by Prof Molly Kurakar, Treasurer of the woman's Association. Kurakaran Family has now 35
endowments awards for education and sick aid
purposes.The Family annual repoprt presented byMr Varghese Kurakar,Gen: Secretary of theKudumba yogam. Mrs Animon Thomas presented the report of the women's association. The unitsreports presented P.M.G Kurakaran, Lizy Varghese Kurakar, and Mrs Gracykutty John. Mr SamKurakar, Director of the Kurakar City Center expressed vote of thanks. The Family ended with prayer at 4 pm. Mr Bobby Kurakar,Managing Director of Kurakar Plaza sponsord 2011 year calender.
Prof John Kurakar
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