
Wednesday, January 5, 2011


  An ongoing study on radiation from mobile towers and mobile phones at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has found that the exposure to radiation from mobile towers and mobile phones could have an adverse impact on male fertility and also pose health hazards by depleting the defense mechanism of cells.
   Though these findings are based on experiments on male rats, Mr Jitendra Behari a professor in JNU's school of Environmental science and lead researcher for the government funded project. The health implications were directly relevant to human beings too.
   Prof Behari and his team have been conducting tests in wistar rats or lab rats, mainly focusing on two  aspects of radiation its effects on the reproductive system and on general health, particularly tumor promotion and genotoxic effects ( causing damage to DNA)
" we kept these rats in a simulated environment, creating similar  levels of radiation as emitted by mobile towers and while using a mobile phone- and the results were alarming" chronic exposure to radio frequency electromagetic radiation caused double strand DNA breaks in sperm cells. The tests showed that mobile radiation exposure can cause a statisstically significant decrease in the sperm count and tests weight" Prof Behri explained.
  Pointing towards similar tests by leading institutions in the west which showered almost identical results" other studies too have shown that use of cell phones adversely effects the quality of semen by decreasing sperm count, motility, viability and morphology, which might contribute to male infertility he added.
    Human cells have their own set of antooxident defence mechanisms to fight of damaging effects .Our studies have shown that microwave radiation may alter the level of antooxident due to free radical formation" Tests have shown significant increases in ROS ( reactive oxygen species) ( a kind of free radical) level in radiation exposed rats. An increased R.O.S production can damage macromolecules( lipid,protein,DNA), thus causing threat of heart disease, Cancer, arthrities, Alzheimers's disease and accelerate ageing.
    Electromagnetic field increases the concerntraion of  free radicals which may enhance the probability of damage to the biological system. The excessive and prolonged use of cellular phones as radiation levels from handsets could affect the brain. More usage of cellular phones means greater threat
   "Formation of free radicals in the brain. is matter of concern because of their potential toxic effects at its physiology and commend on several other organs.It is well established that when there is an imbalance between free radicals and its neutralization,it leads to oxidative stress. Such condition can lead to tumour promotion" he pointed out.
   Present concern about mobile phone exposure to human beings is focused on brain. The effects of EMFs emitted by mobile phones on the central nervous system have become a particular focus of concern as mobile phones are kept near the head in talking mode and are in close promixority to the brain. During these operations, the antenna of a cellular phone emits radio frequency electromagnetic fields that can penetrate 4-6 com in to the human brain he added.
   Prof Behari has further said that when a human body which consists of 90% water,is exposed to the electromagnetic field, it absorbs radiation. When food is cooked in a microwave oven, water in the food content is heated first, similar is the cause with human body. Microwave absorption effects is much more significant in body parts which contain more fluid-like blood or the brain.Prof Behari said there could be thermal effects caused by holding mobile phones close to the body and extended conversations over a long period of time

Prof. JohnKurakar

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