These Schools were selected on the basis of model ICT activities,' technical area performance of schools in Harithavidyalayam' reality show and IT awards won by Schools, an official statement said on Wednesday 29th December,2010. IT@ school Executive director said that ICT infrastructure up gradation at a cost of Rs 25 lakh would be implemented in these schools for five years starting this year.
The facilities to tome up in these schools included well equipped computer labs, multimedia rooms to smart class rooms with the installation of multimedia projectors, laptops and wireless internet facility. The project aims at equipping all students in these schools with laptops in a phased manner.
The smart schools would be provided with services of full time IT co coordinators and all teachers and student It co coordinators would be given special training. The smart schools would be given special training. The smart schools would be transformed in to IT bubs sothat students from nearby schools as well as members of the public could make use of IT ( information communication technology) education and infrastructure development scheme of IT @ School would be implemented in around 4,071 schools in the state.
Prof. John Kurakar
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