
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


World Food day on October 16. Earmarking a day was to raise awareness about the major food problem and also to motivate people to stand together and fight against hunger mal nutrition and poverty.
World Food day was proclaimed in 1929 by the conference of the Food and Agriculture – organisation of the United Nations (FAO).In 1980, the general Assembly endorsed the day because they realised survival and well being and a fundamental human necessity’. 2010- This year the theme for world Food Day is “United against Hunger”. This becomes a reality when everyone joins to fight hunger, poverty and mal nutrition at every level.105 million hungry people in 2009, 1.02 billion mal nourished individuals across the world.
2006- Theme was “Invest in Agriculture and Food Security
2007-Theme was” Right to Food.”
2008- World Food Security-The challenges of Climate change and Bio energy”
2009- Achieving Food Security in times of Crisis
2010- United Against Hunger”
Prof: John Kurakar

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