St.Gregorios Cardio-Vascular Centre (SGCVC) at Parumala, attached to Chennai based K.M Cherian Heart Foundation will organise Kerala’s first Summit on Kawasaki disease at Mannar on October 24.The Summit was part of an initiative by S.GC.V.C for Kawasaki- affected children, especially those with coronary artery disease. Dr Philip said Kawasaki disease was belived to be the most common vasculitic disorder ( in which blood cells develop inflammation) found in children. Its incidence rate reported in Japan is as high as 60-150 per every 1,00,000 children below the age of five years.
A majority of cases with Kawasaki disease remain un diagnosed in India. Its features can be confused with other common conditions like measkes, scarlet fever and the stevens johnson syndrome, if the physican is not careful.
Kawasaki disease was an acute vasculitis affecting infants and children with unknown etiology Development of coronary artery aneurysm is one of the most damaging sonsequences of the disease. The summit would be useful for cardiologists, padiatricians. Dr Philip said parents of affected children too would be permitted to attend the conference.
Development of coronary artery abnorlities (CAA) is the halmark of Kawasaki disease andit accounts for most of the morbidity and mortality associated with disease.
Prompt diagnosis and early treatment with intravenous immunoglobalin (IVIG) can reduce the occurrence of CAA significantly.
Prof. John Kurakar

A majority of cases with Kawasaki disease remain un diagnosed in India. Its features can be confused with other common conditions like measkes, scarlet fever and the stevens johnson syndrome, if the physican is not careful.
Kawasaki disease was an acute vasculitis affecting infants and children with unknown etiology Development of coronary artery aneurysm is one of the most damaging sonsequences of the disease. The summit would be useful for cardiologists, padiatricians. Dr Philip said parents of affected children too would be permitted to attend the conference.
Development of coronary artery abnorlities (CAA) is the halmark of Kawasaki disease andit accounts for most of the morbidity and mortality associated with disease.
Prompt diagnosis and early treatment with intravenous immunoglobalin (IVIG) can reduce the occurrence of CAA significantly.
Prof. John Kurakar
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