
Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A three year old girl from Balle-Haadi, a tribal village in Mysore district has became a victim of blind belief. The girl, Suma died in K. R. Hospital on Monday 24th August 2009. Suma had been ailing for the past one year. Her mother believed that tribal priest could cure her daughter with native medicine and refused to take her to a hospital for a long time. Her mother and other people of the community were of the opinion that curing her disease was beyond the scope of modern medicine’. They believed that a tribal priest from neighboring malali village could cure the girl when he was possessed by ‘spirit”) her mother refused to take the child to the near by hospital.
When the girl’s condition became critical a week ago. A social worker sent an ambulance from the hospital. But her mother refused to take the girl to the hospital and sent back the ambulance. The issue was brought to the notice of the Child Development Project Officer. Later the officer visited the village and convinced the people to take the girl to the Hospital. The CDPO told that the girl was suffering from bone tuberculosis. The girl’s condition turned critical a week ago and she stopped eating. Doctors at the local Hospital asked to shift the girl immediately to K. R Hospital tried their best to save the girl. However, the treatment was not successful owing to inordinate’ delay in bringing the girl to the hospital.
Her mother still believes that the priest could have cured Suma and regrets bringing her daughter to the Hospital under pressure.
“Our community priest would have saved my child. But these government people did not give him an opportunity to do so” she said.
We will take up on priority the issue of creating awareness among tribal people against blind beliefs and on the importance of modern medicine.


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