
Friday, August 21, 2009


The UDF high-power committee passed a resolution saying that the Indo ASEAN Free Trade Agreement was beneficial to the country, but wanted the centre to ensure price stability of coffee, tea and pepper. The UDF felt that rubber, copra and marine products from kerala would not be affected as these figured in the negative list of 489 items.
The UDF demanded a support price scheme for coconut on the lines of the one for copra in cause coconut prices were to fall because of palm oil imports.
The Indo- ASEAN trade agreement should be converted an opportunity to increase productivity and value addition of farm commodities. For this, the Central government should extend all financial assistance to help the farmers use technology to achieve this objective and equipped to face global competition.”
Kerala Congress (M) led by Mr. K.M Mani said the Agreement would provide a fillip to the Indian economy, but its impact on kerala. According to the provisions, the duty on coffee and tea would reduce from 100 percent to 45 percent and pepper from percent to 50 percent. The centre should be prepared to compensate the farmers for the income loss they would suffer either by way of subsidies or through special schemes.
Leader of the opposition Sri Oommen chandi welcomed Agreement pact. He had termed the pact as opportunity for kerala agriculture to become globally competitive
Food and civil supplies minister Sri Divakaran said that coconut oil should be treated as edible oil. The subsidy was a must, especially in view of the signing of the Free Trade Agreement with Association of south East Asian nations


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